That sounds weird, I know, but hear me out before tearing me to shreds.
First of all, let me rephrase that: do you think that the story mode in games are too long these days?
I'll give you an example of what I mean. A few days ago, I was thinking about one of my all-time favorite games: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
I really wanted to go back and play it again, but I just can't bring myself to start a game without finishing it, and I don't really want to go through the whole story again. It had a great storyline, but to play another run-through would be tedious and not as rewarding, and I simply don't have the time, what with term papers to write and such.
I know that some of the younger gamers here won't really understand what I'm talking about, but for people around my age (22) or older, I'm sure that some of you catch my drift.
Twilight Princess is another example of story modes that are incredibly long. One of my main problems with this game is that there is little in the way of replayablility, such as side quests and the like. Actually, one of my favorite things to do in that game is to go to the old fishing hole, and wait for a bite. Sometimes I just want to jump into one of my favorite worlds and screw around, without worrying about futhering the story.
GTA is a good example of how replayability should be done. I know that not every game can have the sandbox style format, and for some games it just wouldn't work. But one thing is for sure: I don't need to go through the story of any GTA game in order to have a good time. I can just turn it on and away I go, rocketpacking my way through the enormous city of San Andreas.
I think that games with a long storyline should at least implement some more random things to do in the world (again, not all games, but some would really benefit from that). At least that way we can take our time as we play through the story again, without having to feel like it's all the same, long, 30 plus hours, game again.
Alright, I'm done. If you still disagree, feel free to sick your rabid dogs on me.
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