Number of first party games available in the first quarter of 2009?
It's 3, and WiiWare would count as well right? That just makes it higher. You have to take in the numbers for the DS and WiiWare as well, or else you are scewing what Nintendo is actually producing. Don't think for a second that this cash in doesn't mess with other games.
I dunno, it seems like this could go either way. I believe Nintendo realized that they weren't going to have a Wii game for Quarter 1(and quite possibly Quarter 2) in the US, and rather then let it go by the wayside they figured out a different route(Wiimakes). Would you rather Nintendo had nothing at all the first 2 quarters? That seems much more like "giving up" on the Wii if you ask me. And rather then saying "Yeah, we messed up, we didn't plan correctly for our releases and so had to make some Wiimakes", they say "We didn't think these games reached their (selling) potential, and so we are re-releasing them". Of course that's all speculation(though well looked through), but so is your statement that the Wiimakes are affecting other games. Now about your other comment that the Gamecube nearly killed me a new article that says this, show me something from a Nintendo financial report that shows them on a steady decline towards bankruptcy. I would love to read through it, because I was always lead to believe Nintendo churned a profit off the Gamecube. And when you throw in the handhelds(which you forgot in your other post so...) I would think Nintendo was well on their feet during that era. I don't know the numbers, but I would think the GBA and prior handhelds would be able to support Nintendo for many a year. Show me an article or something for this though, I would really love to read through it.
(This isn't directed at you Jasonguy, just everyone in general).
When you look at the games recently released by Nintendo & Friends(2nd Party) you will see something a tad bit odd. Large studios haven't been putting out games in a while.
- Camelot(making Nintendo games for 9 years now, known for Golden Sun) hasn't put out a game in 2 years. They weren't shut down as far as I can tell, we would have heard of something like that, so what happened?
- Intelligent Systems(Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, Warioware, Advanced Wars) These guys have the capacity to work on multiple projects at once, which has been shown in the past. Yet they have no new games announced and their last game came out in August of 08? That can't be right, but we know for a fact these guys still where are thier games? They aren't just sitting in an office somewhere are they?
- Retro Studios(Metroid Prime) We know they had some issues with some large figureheads leaving, but we heard about those in the news tickers, so we would have also heard of a complete shut down of the studio. They have nothing announced after nearly a year and a 1/2 of dormancy...they aren't just sitting around playing poker in the office are they?
- NST(nothing particularly note-worthy) Haven't put out a game in 2 years. They were slated to do HAMMER, but we all know where that went. The studio itself wasn't shuttered with it's lost project what have they been doing.
- SPD(Help with anything that isn't EAD, Battalion Wars and Metroid Prime help) These guys are interesting, because they work on so many different things within their system. They help out with all sorts of games and channels(all Wii channels have gone through them at some point). And what appears to be their latest assignment was the DR. Mario RX for WiiWare. That was 9 or so months ago.
And then take a look at what Nintendo has announced. Another Code, Mario and Luigi 3, Sin and Punishment 2, Wii Sports Resort, Punch-Out!!...2 of those are in house developments from EAD and Alphadream, while the others don't affect the workforce that Nintendo employs at all. They have a few other games announced(Pikmin 3, Zelda and such), but that leaves you with a lot of empty space and that doesn't include what I listed up their.
So where did Nintendo go? They didn't just vanish, and they surely didn't shutter everything up their when they are making a perhaps their games are indeed coming, leaving us with Wiimakes to ease the wait? I dunno, but that is a lot of lousy workers if I am wrong.
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