[QUOTE="JustWiicredible"][QUOTE="tomarlyn"][QUOTE="JustWiicredible"][QUOTE="tomarlyn"][QUOTE="Optusnet"][QUOTE="Turtodile"] [QUOTE="JustWiicredible"]Graphics make movies not games! I don't mind that a game is not in super dooper High def so long as it's fun to play!tomarlyn
I agree with you 100% Nintendo games are about gameplay, not graphics. Im tired of people making topics like this over and over again.
And I'm tired of people who proudly state: "It's not about graphics, it's about gameplay." It IS about graphics too, damn it! Power does equal to better gameplay. Half Life 2 proves this. FEAR proves this. F-Zero GX proves this. The same idiots who keep defending Nintendo on gameplay>graphics are the same people who laughed at how graphically inferior the PS2 version of RE4 was to the GC version. Heck, the GC version scored higher because it just looked more polished - even though PS2 had more replay value.
Graphics and power do matter. And I'm hoping that once devs take control of the wiimote (pun not intended), it'll be a fantastic compensation to the raw power on other systems.
Quotation for truthage.Well actually no. I'm not talking about playing games for sharpness over component cables. I would be a hypocrite if i said that. What i mean is that developers putting too much time on cutscenes,ground shadows,that damn annoying sun blur effect and not over truly next gen attributes like physics ( Little big planet is a perfect example) and being innovative. I like games that look good as much as the next guy but how many flashy games with shallow, one dimensional Gameplay (GOW, cough.)
Gears is an action game and its extremely fun, its not just graphics (amazing as they are), what do you expect? Its not even as one dimensional as Excite Truck, Heatseeker or COD 3 for instance which aren't as good or as fun to begin with. I actually own and enjoy those three Wii games I mentioned but I just don't agree with your reasoning at all.
GOW is just the same old hide and shoot gameplay seen in many many games before (Rainbow six,Kill.switch) The other games you describe i know aren't good example of Gameplay > graphics. What if Mario 64 game out now with N64 graphics would anyone buy it? Yes because of the great gameplay involved.
Developers shouldn't get hung up over making every wall,floor and character photorealistic and start making games with great gameplay. Graphics can be cool and stylish like Okami,Exit,Feel the magic without having to pump the £££££ into graphics engines. Innovative games: Trauma centre,Alex wright,Cooking moma,that project treasure game from capcom etc would Sonysoft have ever thought of such games? No because they spend to much £££ on pushing 1080p down our throat without thinkinh where can i take games next?
P.S sorry for the double post. Rubbish computer:(
Hmm, but GOW does have great gameplay, whether its recycled from various sources or not (it also improves those formulaes at the same time). If you've got a system as powerful as the 360 to work with of course you're going to try and get the most from it, gamers like to see improvements in both visuals and gameplay over last-gen.
I'm a big gamer, I like good games no-matter what the platform is or what controller it uses. Its not just eye candy either because titles such as Mass Effect, Bioshock and Oblivion are my dream games for gaming reasons. Take away the visuals and you still have my dream games that are still only possible on advanced hardware (these are just three examples too, my point being its not just graphics its capable of pushing out).
If you enjoyed RE 4 for its visuals and great gameplay made possible by the Cube's processing power then that would make you a hypocrite, especially if you continue to use the Wii's backwards compatibility. Like I've said before if High Def resolution scares you or you don't want it then don't buy a High Def TV, just experience the game in Standard Definition. You'd still get better than last-gen graphics and great gameplay. HD and special visual effects are two different things too, you don't like special effects? I wouldn't recommend Star Wars to you :P
Good graphics and normal controls don't equal bad gaming like a curse as you seem to think thats all I'm saying, its an urban myth constructed by Nintendo fanboys in places like this. Wii does its own thing and its cool, its not suddenly the righteous and better way to game (except for non-gamers which I couldn't care less about). Innovation isn't everything, gameplay isn't everything and graphics aren't everything on their own, its only good games at the end of the day that matters.
For the record this post isn't even in reference to the Wii, I'm addressing the crazy talk that quality presentation and great gameplay with a normal controller isn't suddenly a dirty thing. This insults me as a gamer.
Oh don't worry its not your computer either I'm experiencing glitchspot too :) :)
Yes while it's true that we appericate good graphics if it enchances the gaming activity. Oblivion is a good example of where this happens. What i am trying to put across if that most developers are getting lazy in the fact that they dress up the same old game in fancy new clothes. Motorstorm is a case in point. The game is just a way of showing of the graphics of the pS3 and when you actually PLAY the game it's just any average racer i'll rather play excite truck anyday because the experience of playing the game is new (Wiimote) and it's also fun.
Just to be clear i'm not against make the existing graphics of the game looking as good as they can using compontent and Hi def Tv's but what i don't want is that developers (more for the ps3) feeling they have to use this technology is every context.
 I think that developers use improved graphics and physics as an mask for advancement. The Need for speed series games vary little from when it first started. The graphics and physics have got better, they have added FMV but what have they done to improve the game experience, very little. This is the same in most Racers,adventures and FPS. this is not advancement. The Wii offers true advancement as developers cant' use better FX as a way to sell there Pap to the unsuspecting marks out there as it's not possible. They now are forced to be creative and think what ways can i take my franchise or make a cool game that uses the Wiimote. Mario galaxy shows this kind of real advancement.
I wouldn't mind if the graphics of the Wii and future systems never get past the GC level as it's not all as you say about that. If the games are still creative. If technology improves the physics of a game so a ball bounces better or Better processing power to make games more complex That's Great but all i've seen since Sonysoft entered the arena is graphics getting better but little true advancement/innovation.
Sidenote. Littlebigplanet i think is the truly next gen game as the physics play out incredibily well (graphics are neat but it's not the main point in the game) just as Say metroid prime 3Â using the Wiimote to immerse your self in the game
In short Graphics are fine when used well and artistically but when improvement in other areas suffer like creativity and design then it's the gamer that loses out the most. Innovation and evolution is everything as they are what keeps games fresh and fun to play. When you get to my age you'll realise how samey games get after a while.
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