The only ones that are worth mentioning are the ones that dont need a "good looking, for a wii game" lable on them.
Muramasa the Demon Blade; Its probably the best looking 2D game in existence. It would obviously look even better in HD, but as long that isnt a possible option, SD is the only choice. But even then it looks ALOT better then anything most systems have to offer.
Super Mario Galaxy 2; Even if its on the weakest system this gen, it still looks better then most games on ANY system, and its an good choice for "best looking wii game (overall).
Kirby Epic Yarn; No comment, it won enough awards for its looks. Simply fantastic, And shouldn't be missing from any list of "best looking games of 2010"
Monster Hunter Tri, Metroid Prime 3
and for those who feel the need to see a good looking realistic game on the wii, dont look any further then Silent hill shattered memories.
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