Ridley. He just keeps coming back and gets stronger each time...Ridley...Meta Ridley...Omega Ridley. Plus he's a crazy dragon thing :D.
Not to mention he looks menacing in brawl
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Ridley. He just keeps coming back and gets stronger each time...Ridley...Meta Ridley...Omega Ridley. Plus he's a crazy dragon thing :D.
Not to mention he looks menacing in brawl
bowser can be beat by jumping past him and grabing the key ganondorf is my pic, i like the mike tyson thing though if it was most difficult
MMMMMMM Best Villian......
My personal favorite 1- Ridley Hands Down.. no matter what form he is.. Ridley, Meta Ridley, Omega Ridley It's kinda creepy to have a kinda boney dragon coming after you... Plus when Ridley appears he means War!
2- Gannondorf
3- Dark Samus
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Ridley. I fought him in almost all Metroid games. never finished fusion though, but I saw him frozen in an Ice chamber or something. The battle with him in Prime 3 was awsome and omega ridley. anybody who plays metroid knows how evil this space pirate leader can be.
Gannondorf. very close second, but err, though he is a great villain for Zelda I kinda prefer Vaati...
Giovanni (Pokemon) . not only is this guy a gym leader, He is rich, an entrepeneur, the leader of Team Rocket, created the Mewtwo...
I'm gonna say Tom Nook from animal crossing..
Now hes just plain mean making you slave for him in the beginning.
Hey isnt that the chick from the alien movie series? i agree she was badass but shes not on nintendo! and she wasnt a villain!
"Wii need a hard drive"
I would love to say King Dedede, but he is just too lovable. He doesn't have a deep hatred for kirby and never transformed into anything menacing like Bowser or Ganondorf.
I say Dr. Eggman. Oh wait...
GANNON or Ganondrof both are pure evil they are badasser and both are a pain on the ASS! no neck, ASS! shoting lighting balls and morphing ond a pig beast with claws or simply taking possesion on your friends
Men I hate Him!!!!!
thats why is so Good to beat him is pure ability
I WANT BOWSER TO DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but he can´t becaus is a big and heavy turtle soup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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