I never once even noticed an effect of mini-game collections on my game playing experience. Do you people live in towns that only get 5 games a year or am I missing something?
Even if you're lucky enough to have not played a single mini-game shovelware, your gaming experience is still affected...whether you noticed it or not. Everytime a developer decides cut corners and do a mini-game collection, it takes away time and money that could've been used to make a more quality game. A game that you could've enjoyed and have fun with. Unfortunately, you won't be able to experience it because a mini-game shovelware was made in its place.
You say there are plenty of choices. Let's talk about choices. For those of us who wants a new Resident Evil Wii game that's more than just an on-rail shooter, where's our choices?
That is again your own opinion of what should be made though. There are obviously enough people buying those minigame collections to warrant their existence so clearly the money spent on making them is not an issue because they must be making money from them. As far as the time spent on them I will again say that if they weren't making Game A, which you don't want, they won't neccessarily use it to make game B which you do want, they might make game C which you also don't want. Your opinion of what you want and you think should be made isn't neccessarily the best course of action for the developer or for gamers in general. You want a resident evil game for Wii that isn't a shooter yes.. but that is a specific thing you are asking for that they might not be willing to provide as they are already creating that experience on different consoles. Maybe that isn't where they want to spend their time and money when they could be using it elsewhere? see what i did there? anyways I understand your frustration if i did not own all the major consoles I would probably be hoping for such a thing as well but I did my research before i picked what console i wanted and knew this would probably be an issue. I was just lucky enough to be able to spread out my purchases to eventually get all 3.
I personally have a very diverse game collection. I have First person shooters and RPGs and guitar hero and rock band, and i have resident evil 4 and 5 and umbrella chronicles.
For a person who value diversity, I'm surprise that you are not more concern about this Wii "on-rails shooter" trend. I have on-rails shooters in my collection too. But, I can only take so much of it. How many on-rails shooters do you want in your collection? There must be a point where you will eventually get sick of them, no? Are you seriously going to get all the new and upcoming on-rails shooters? HOTD Overkill, HOTD Overkill 2 (heavily hinted in Overkill's ending), Dead Space, Darkside Chronicles, etc?
I am not concerned about the "trend" because I have been playing games long enough to know that one genre will never be the only genre left and that i don't need to buy every game that comes out (should be obvious). So when I have had my fill of on rails i just don't buy any more. I didn't buy HOTD and don't plan on it because it just doesn't look as good as umbrella chronicles to me. Umbrella chronicles is in fact the only on rails in my collection. It really isn'y like they are the only games coming out even if it seems like it to people who want a more "hardcore" experience on the Wii.
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