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Yeah the developers could have also not been lying chumps and inform people that the LAN mode they had earlier was removed so If you can't get highspeed part of the game is missing. And my deposit from the store to reserve the game may not be able to be refunded to me and the only GD MOFO reason I preordered the game was because it was suppose to have LAN. A companies literal lies should not cost someone 35$. And i hvae a friend and brother in law that was getting it for lan matches.(I hope they did not put a deposit on the game like i did and get raped by the store and Kuju)
If you not going to have the feature and every preview on earth mentioned LAN then you need to make it your business to let it be know that it would not be in the final verison. I swear I will never get one game from those sorry britishdevelopers. Kuju or whatever the lying company name is.
Of course one can tell this has really, really , really angered me. I am so broke grad school is killing me and that 35 means ALOT to me. Of course not getting my deposit back not that great either, but if the developers would have be honest and told Just one of the numerous sites that did previews that lan would not be in it. BUt no.
WTH is up with removing a feature that they already put in it?
It is almost like they don't want LAN to be on Wii, and the system could be the best console ever to use this feature.
They never confirmed a LAN mode. You tricked yourself.Duckman5
They never once corrected it on ALL the preview(s) that mentioned the mode on all the major sites, not once. So don't pull that BS with me that they never read it once and did not know that the info was out their, esecially when the were not releasing info and the sites where gamers only form of info.All the fan sites and IGN, gamespot, etc. Like i sad total BS.
Kinda of like how they dropped the ball and waited untill released for the general public to know it would be 1 vs and no 4 players. But they demo'ed the game in LAN but never demo'ed 4 player so that not nearly as bad.
[QUOTE="Duckman5"]They never confirmed a LAN mode. You tricked yourself.Moridin18
They never once corrected it on ALL the preview(s) that mentioned the mode on all the major sites, not once. So don't pull that BS with me that they never read it once and did not know that the info was out their, esecially when the were not releasing info and the sites where gamers only form of info.All the fan sites and IGN, gamespot, etc. Like i sad total BS.
Kinda of like how they dropped the ball and waited untill released for the general public to know it would be 1 vs and no 4 players. But they demo'ed the game in LAN but never demo'ed 4 player so that not nearly as bad.
Link please.
Yeah the developers could have also not been lying chumps and inform people that the LAN mode they had earlier was removed so If you can't get highspeed part of the game is missing. And my deposit from the store to reserve the game may not be able to be refunded to me and the only GD MOFO reason I preordered the game was because it was suppose to have LAN. A companies literal lies should not cost someone 35$. And i hvae a friend and brother in law that was getting it for lan matches.(I hope they did not put a deposit on the game like i did and get raped by the store and Kuju)
If you not going to have the feature and every preview on earth mentioned LAN then you need to make it your business to let it be know that it would not be in the final verison. I swear I will never get one game from those sorry britishdevelopers. Kuju or whatever the lying company name is.
Of course one can tell this has really, really , really angered me. I am so broke grad school is killing me and that 35 means ALOT to me. Of course not getting my deposit back not that great either, but if the developers would have be honest and told Just one of the numerous sites that did previews that lan would not be in it. BUt no.
WTH is up with removing a feature that they already put in it?
It is almost like they don't want LAN to be on Wii, and the system could be the best console ever to use this feature.
your broke, yet you buy a wii?
[QUOTE="Moridin18"]Yeah the developers could have also not been lying chumps and inform people that the LAN mode they had earlier was removed so If you can't get highspeed part of the game is missing. And my deposit from the store to reserve the game may not be able to be refunded to me and the only GD MOFO reason I preordered the game was because it was suppose to have LAN. A companies literal lies should not cost someone 35$. And i hvae a friend and brother in law that was getting it for lan matches.(I hope they did not put a deposit on the game like i did and get raped by the store and Kuju)
If you not going to have the feature and every preview on earth mentioned LAN then you need to make it your business to let it be know that it would not be in the final verison. I swear I will never get one game from those sorry britishdevelopers. Kuju or whatever the lying company name is.
Of course one can tell this has really, really , really angered me. I am so broke grad school is killing me and that 35 means ALOT to me. Of course not getting my deposit back not that great either, but if the developers would have be honest and told Just one of the numerous sites that did previews that lan would not be in it. BUt no.
WTH is up with removing a feature that they already put in it?
It is almost like they don't want LAN to be on Wii, and the system could be the best console ever to use this feature.
your broke, yet you buy a wii?
It was given to me on my birthday early this year. Earlier I was not strapped for cash but this semester I do not have a GA and I cannot get a job that can revolve around the hours of my classes and lab rotations.
Many games I will miss this season because of how broke I am. Graduate school is not cheap.
[QUOTE="Moridin18"][QUOTE="Duckman5"]They never confirmed a LAN mode. You tricked yourself.Duckman5
They never once corrected it on ALL the preview(s) that mentioned the mode on all the major sites, not once. So don't pull that BS with me that they never read it once and did not know that the info was out their, esecially when the were not releasing info and the sites where gamers only form of info.All the fan sites and IGN, gamespot, etc. Like i sad total BS.
Kinda of like how they dropped the ball and waited untill released for the general public to know it would be 1 vs and no 4 players. But they demo'ed the game in LAN but never demo'ed 4 player so that not nearly as bad.
Link please.
FOr what?
You show me a site that the developers said that LAN would not be in it. Every fan-site I saw mentioned LAN play. The preview from major sites ( IGN and gamespot) mentioned LAN if my memory serves me correct. Both of the sites have had people on their message-boards question the exclusion of LAN. WIthour notice. Kuju reads stuff to they not? Did they not notice a thread on this site (or ign) talking about the game? If so then they did read the previews on sites(or at least watching the Internet about the buzz about their game)and they should have notice the constant mention of LAN. This I think is indisputable.
I give you this. They did not literally lie. But......come on if they watch it that close then they should have noticed the constant talk in endless previews and fansites of the LAN mode.
I love advanced wars and Battalion Wars but in no way on this earth am I going to pay full price for a game that has a feature ripped out of it with no explanation.(come on Kuju LIE to me at least give me a reason, even if not rational, for this last second removal)
I can play advanced war games on GBA on lan, but on a system with built in WIif I can't. That is jacked up and if one says it is not, I must tell that person....
[QUOTE="Duckman5"][QUOTE="Moridin18"][QUOTE="Duckman5"]They never confirmed a LAN mode. You tricked yourself.Moridin18
They never once corrected it on ALL the preview(s) that mentioned the mode on all the major sites, not once. So don't pull that BS with me that they never read it once and did not know that the info was out their, esecially when the were not releasing info and the sites where gamers only form of info.All the fan sites and IGN, gamespot, etc. Like i sad total BS.
Kinda of like how they dropped the ball and waited untill released for the general public to know it would be 1 vs and no 4 players. But they demo'ed the game in LAN but never demo'ed 4 player so that not nearly as bad.
Link please.
FOr what?
You show me a site that the developers said that LAN would not be in it. Every fan-site I saw mentioned LAN play. The preview from major sites ( IGN and gamespot) mentioned LAN if my memory serves me correct. Both of the sites have had people on their message-boards question the exclusion of LAN. WIthour notice. Kuju reads stuff to they not? Did they not notice a thread on this site (or ign) talking about the game? If so then they did read the previews on sites(or at least watching the Internet about the buzz about their game)and they should have notice the constant mention of LAN. This I think is indisputable.
I give you this. They did not literally lie. But......come on if they watch it that close then they should have noticed the constant talk in endless previews and fansites of the LAN mode.
I love advanced wars and Battalion Wars but in no way on this earth am I going to pay full price for a game that has a feature ripped out of it with no explanation.(come on Kuju LIE to me at least give me a reason, even if not rational, for this last second removal)
I can play advanced war games on GBA on lan, but on a system with built in WIif I can't. That is jacked up and if one says it is not, I must tell that person....
They never confirmed it, theat's my exact point. Everything else was just speculation. You can't provide a link so your argument is invalid.
[QUOTE="Moridin18"][QUOTE="Duckman5"][QUOTE="Moridin18"][QUOTE="Duckman5"]They never confirmed a LAN mode. You tricked yourself.Duckman5
They never once corrected it on ALL the preview(s) that mentioned the mode on all the major sites, not once. So don't pull that BS with me that they never read it once and did not know that the info was out their, esecially when the were not releasing info and the sites where gamers only form of info.All the fan sites and IGN, gamespot, etc. Like i sad total BS.
Kinda of like how they dropped the ball and waited untill released for the general public to know it would be 1 vs and no 4 players. But they demo'ed the game in LAN but never demo'ed 4 player so that not nearly as bad.
Link please.
FOr what?
You show me a site that the developers said that LAN would not be in it. Every fan-site I saw mentioned LAN play. The preview from major sites ( IGN and gamespot) mentioned LAN if my memory serves me correct. Both of the sites have had people on their message-boards question the exclusion of LAN. WIthour notice. Kuju reads stuff to they not? Did they not notice a thread on this site (or ign) talking about the game? If so then they did read the previews on sites(or at least watching the Internet about the buzz about their game)and they should have notice the constant mention of LAN. This I think is indisputable.
I give you this. They did not literally lie. But......come on if they watch it that close then they should have noticed the constant talk in endless previews and fansites of the LAN mode.
I love advanced wars and Battalion Wars but in no way on this earth am I going to pay full price for a game that has a feature ripped out of it with no explanation.(come on Kuju LIE to me at least give me a reason, even if not rational, for this last second removal)
I can play advanced war games on GBA on lan, but on a system with built in WIif I can't. That is jacked up and if one says it is not, I must tell that person....
They never confirmed it, theat's my exact point. Everything else was just speculation. You can't provide a link so your argument is invalid.
Duckman has a point. You can't remove something that was never there to begin with.
[QUOTE="Duckman5"][QUOTE="Moridin18"][QUOTE="Duckman5"][QUOTE="Moridin18"][QUOTE="Duckman5"]They never confirmed a LAN mode. You tricked yourself.Nintendoes
They never once corrected it on ALL the preview(s) that mentioned the mode on all the major sites, not once. So don't pull that BS with me that they never read it once and did not know that the info was out their, esecially when the were not releasing info and the sites where gamers only form of info.All the fan sites and IGN, gamespot, etc. Like i sad total BS.
Kinda of like how they dropped the ball and waited untill released for the general public to know it would be 1 vs and no 4 players. But they demo'ed the game in LAN but never demo'ed 4 player so that not nearly as bad.
Link please.
FOr what?
You show me a site that the developers said that LAN would not be in it. Every fan-site I saw mentioned LAN play. The preview from major sites ( IGN and gamespot) mentioned LAN if my memory serves me correct. Both of the sites have had people on their message-boards question the exclusion of LAN. WIthour notice. Kuju reads stuff to they not? Did they not notice a thread on this site (or ign) talking about the game? If so then they did read the previews on sites(or at least watching the Internet about the buzz about their game)and they should have notice the constant mention of LAN. This I think is indisputable.
I give you this. They did not literally lie. But......come on if they watch it that close then they should have noticed the constant talk in endless previews and fansites of the LAN mode.
I love advanced wars and Battalion Wars but in no way on this earth am I going to pay full price for a game that has a feature ripped out of it with no explanation.(come on Kuju LIE to me at least give me a reason, even if not rational, for this last second removal)
I can play advanced war games on GBA on lan, but on a system with built in WIif I can't. That is jacked up and if one says it is not, I must tell that person....
They never confirmed it, theat's my exact point. Everything else was just speculation. You can't provide a link so your argument is invalid.
Duckman has a point. You can't remove something that was never there to begin with.
Never there? So all the previews never existed?
They never denied it did they? What EXACT point could you have if the information was never clear. So your staement about "exact" is irrelavent. IF you actually cared about exact you would not be havin this conversation. The response that you reply to already talks about the absolute of the situation(or rather the abstract) SO for you (or Nintendoes) to ask me to provide a link about a basic "sense"(or apparently deduced from the facts given)that multiple sites and fansites info played out time again and again(I am not the only one on this site to question this or on IGN) is questionable to me.
Points of reason do not revole around "links". AFter all the term 'debate' never was used until the internet was used, or am I crazy?. OF course the arguement I put fortth "always" revolved around one "link" .
NOt the total sense of info about the game befoer it was released. SUrely not.
If a company watches threads on internet boards?(or do you dispute this fact?, or did they not respond to a thread on this site?? Surely they read previews like they did the thread.) IF i am not crazy every preview I remeber talked about LAN when they mentioned multiplayer? IF not provide me a "link", sense that is the true measure of right and wrong to you.
You cannot dismiss the fact that almost every preview and every fansite talked about a LAN mode(link the preview on IGN if it makes you feel better)
But the "link" i show demonstrates the info out on a major site that they never dismissed. And do not for one second tell me that they don't watch what goes on the internet.
"Duckman has a point. You can't remove something that was never there to begin with."
You statement is broken, the game was demoed in LAN(regardless of the details it was LAN because it was not on the internet. But if you knew the difference between Wan and Lan we would not be having this conversation) SO it was there to begin with because if it did not have LAN they could have never demoed it. SO show me a demo that was online? A link?
Never there? So all the previews never existed?
They never denied it did they? What EXACT point could you have if the information was never clear. So your staement about "exact" is irrelavent. IF you actually cared about exact you would not be havin this conversation. The response that you reply to already talks about the absolute of the situation(or rather the abstract) SO for you (or Nintendoes) to ask me to provide a link about a basic "sense"(or apparently deduced from the facts given)that multiple sites and fansites info played out time again and again(I am not the only one on this site to question this or on IGN) is questionable to me.
Points of reason do not revole around "links". AFter all the term 'debate' never was used until the internet was used, or am I crazy?. OF course the arguement I put fortth "always" revolved around one "link" .
NOt the total sense of info about the game befoer it was released. SUrely not.
If a company watches threads on internet boards?(or do you dispute this fact?, or did they not respond to a thread on this site?? Surely they read previews like they did the thread.) IF i am not crazy every preview I remeber talked about LAN when they mentioned multiplayer? IF not provide me a "link", sense that is the true measure of right and wrong to you.
You cannot dismiss the fact that almost every preview and every fansite talked about a LAN mode(link the preview on IGN if it makes you feel better)
But the "link" i show demonstrates the info out on a major site that they never dismissed. And do not for one second tell me that they don't watch what goes on the internet.
"Duckman has a point. You can't remove something that was never there to begin with."
You statement is broken, the game was demoed in LAN(regardless of the details it was LAN because it was not on the internet. But if you knew the difference between Wan and Lan we would not be having this conversation) SO it was there to begin with because if it did not have LAN they could have never demoed it. SO show me a demo that was online? A link?
Not broken, simply, you never provided a source for your statements and now you have. You've given adequate evidence to show that Battalion Wars II at some point had LAN multiplayer and your complaints are justified
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