As most of you may or may not know, there will be a patch for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate that will, ( as it originally was on 3) allow for players across the region to play alongside each other.
In my opinion, this is huge for a game that is built upon the multiplayer online aspect as the core of the game.
Also, the patch will (as it should have originally been seeing as this was one of the main marketing ploys of the WiiU) allow the complete game to be played entirely on the Gamepad.
This is great and could even lead to 2 player local co-op play if Capcom so decides.
This is a much needed patch and should've been done in the game originally and not through a patch.
Never the less, Capcom has done a great thing here and have addressed many people's issues with the game (Before it released mind you).
Now that they have addressed those issues, there is one issue still pegging me that should be readded to the game.
What's the issue? You intelligently ask me.
The issue is, the omission of WiiMote and Nunchuck option for the controls.
After playing the demo, I am now semi-used to the gamepad setup but I still die a bunch more than when using the WiiMote and Nunchuck.
This is mainly due to me having to look down to see what I am selecting.
Sometimes it's due to a mistaken button press when trying to perform another action.
Enough about that.
The WiiMote and Nunchuck functioned well in Monster Hunter. It was neither overly or under implemented.
The Swing to attack could have been removed though I agree, because they offer a much simpler and better option to attack and that is by simply pressing the "A" button.
The controls were as follows:
Move with the Nunchuck Analog.
Block with the "Z" Button.
Scroll through items by holding the "C" button and pressing left or right on the DPad.
Press "1" to use selected item or whilst still holding "C", Press "A".
Sheath/Unsheath the Weapon with "+"
Press "A" to attack.
Modified attacks were:
Tilt Slightly Left and Press "A" to do your upward attack.
Tilt Slightly Right and Press "A" to do your Circular attack.
Tilt Slightly Up and Press "A" to do your Charge/Overhead Attack.
Press "-" for your Special attack.
Press "2" to bring up the options menu.
Dpad scrolled through the options menu.
Open the Hunters Book, and press "1" to bring up the Monster Scanner.
Point at the monster once in range, Press and hold "A" and drag it down into the Monster Book to add monster info. (This cannot be done anymore since they removed this control method). It kind of gave the game a pokemon-ish aspect of gathering monster info.
While online, press "2" twice to bring up the chat box
Scroll through the Keyboard with the Dpad and Press "A" when you get to the desired letter or punctuation.
(This can be majorly simplified by having a USB keyboard)
I have talked to a Capcom Representative about this issue and the reason he gave was that "there were additional things added to the game that could not be implemented with the WiiMote, thus the removal of the option".
From playing the demo, I have yet to see one thing that has been added that the WiiMote could not already do. If you know anything about the additions that were added, please feel free to inform me.
While the option to play the game using the Gamepad and CCP/GPP are nice and there is no problem with me there, the readdition of the WiiMote controls would make this game feel much more at home to the people, like myself, that used the WiiMote and Nunchuck as the primary control setup for Monster Hunter 3/Tri.
So hopefully, Capcom will see that the WiiMote was a good control method for this game and will readd it through a patch in the same way that they are patching Region free and Off Tv play.
UPDATE!!! Capcom has not seen fit to readd the WiiMote and Nunchuck Controls. Sorry about that folks.
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