Capcom is using the Wii as some sort of developer ATM.
They're able to take money out of Wii user's pockets to make up for the money they lost on previous games. They're balancing their budget.
Example number one: Okami
Okami was one of the biggest disasters last gen. It did so poorly that it helped close a studio.
Capcom's soloution.....
Throw together a game quickly with their least experienced developers. Since this would be the only installment of the game there was no need to go all out. The rush job led to inferior visuals and control but that was ok for Capcom, they got their money.
Example number 2: Resident Evil 0
Capcom needed a way to test the waters for more remakes.
Capcom's soulution.......
They take one of their most popular franchises and tack on Wiimote controls.
Example number 3: Resident Evil Remake
They now see that Wii owers will buy old content. Capcom decides to pounce on this idea.
Capcom's solution.....
With Resident Evil 0 selling they decide to pad their wallets with another remake. This time they'll add Wiimote controls to another game and sell it.
Example number 4: Monster Hunter 3
Expensive development costs and a very long development cycle was going to make sure that Monster Hunter was not going to be a profitable game for Capcom.
Capcom's solution.....
Move the game to the Wii. With the platform taking 5 times less money to develop for they would save money and the studio already has the graphical layers on hand which would cut down production time. The market saturation of consoles mean that there'd be a greater number of potential buyers.
It would be one thing if Capcom was offering new content but that ship sailed a long time ago. Instead Capcom is following a pattern of making Wii owners pay for their mistakes. If Capcom has a failed game you bet you'll see it on the Wii. If Capcom needs to cut down it's development costs you'll see a Wii game from it. If Capcom needs to simply quiz the Wii owners they do it in a way that gets them money.
It's a very troubling trend.
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