After seeing the results from various sites come in, I'm convinced I will never agree with anything written by a pro game reviewer. Since my opinion is more important to me, I'm choosing my own GOTY and would love to see what you'd choose (and the reasoning for it).
CoD:MWR -- Proving the Wii can in fact do it, and do it well.
NSMBWii -- After playing this I think every Mario game needs co-op (or co-against) multiplayer. Definitely the most fun game I've played with friends.
The Conduit -- Love it or hate it, it was one of the most talked about and controversial games this year.
F1 2009 -- Not exactly a sim, not exactly an arcade game, but it is fun and proves that a quality semi-realistic racing game can be done well on the Wii.
Wii Sports Resort -- A great introduction to Wii Motion Plus!!
The Winner:
New Super Mario Brothers Wii. When it comes down to what matters, this game has got it in spades. Single player is pure and simple fun. Multiplayer is absolute blissand will leave a smile on your face for days. Playing multiplayer in this game had me laughing so hard that breathingsometimes becamedifficult (while not litterally rolling on the floor, I did leave my seat a few times). I don't think I've laughed so hard in years from anything, let alone a video game. What's more, the game is designed so you canchoose to help or hinder the people you're playing with which really adds a new dimension (most multiplayer games are designed to work well cooperatively or competitively, not both).
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