Doc Luis's Punch Out! Woot!
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You beat me to it!
Haha. Japan got the hat before. I thought I was only a Gold Member, and was really mad when I saw Gold Members got a different reward.
Then I went to claim it and saw I was a Platinum. :) I got the hat.
Edit: My hat will be here November first... :(
I dont know which one I want... I really wanted something tangible but I am not a big fan of the hat. Anyone else not get this email yet? It is kind of worrying me.ag1052Don't worry. When the first round of emails came out, people said they got theirs a couple of days before I got mine. It just takes some time to process all the accounts.
Done :)You should make a poll on what everyone is getting.
I picked the Hat (Like I said before).
I'm leaning more towards the hat only because it's possible that they'll release the Punch Out thing somewhere down the line. I'd also prefer something tangible, so I'm probably gonna go for the hat. I hate having to choose! I already nabbed the Game & Watch DS game with my original 800 points but I haven't opened it. I figure it'll become a collector's item.
As far as the Punch Out game...its one fight. What happens if my Wii breaks? Its gone?SiK99If your Wii breaks and they have to replace it when you send it in for repairs,they will transfer your account to the replacement console. You can redownload any game you own, including this one.
It's all about the hat, really. As much as I wanted to see what that Punch-Out game is like, it's hard to ignore an item like that hat. That thing will be valued 20 years from now easily, and it'll be a very important item in my gaming collection. A tough choice, but an easy answer, in my opinion. :P
hmm this is a tough choice. I've always been looking forward to that hat ever since I first saw it...but I've been thinking. you could probably find that hat somewhereafter this event, whether they start selling it at the Nintendo Store or on ebay. Doc Louis Punch Out can't be purchased anywhere else after this event. and I think there's a better chance of Nintendo releasing the Mario hat to the mass market ratherthan the dowloadable Punch Out. a tangible gift would be better, though...I'll think about it and ask my friends' opinions, but I'm still leaning towards the hat.
I was sooooo excited to open the e-mail this morning when it came, I was really excited to see what I could get. I have to say, when I actually opened it and see what they had, I was pretty disappointed with what I found. I don't really like the punch-out game, I don't have the full game, but I have enough mini-boxing games that I don't really want another one, I like the hat but really have no where to go with it and the calendar, oh boy.
Seeing as this was my first reward from Club Nintendo I was really hoping for something good... Personally, I think I would have been happier getting to choose another item you can get with your points, even though it wouldn't be exclusive. Compared to the gifts others have got over the years, I think these are almost embarassing to offer.
I'm not really complaining, after all it is an extra perk to getting games I would get anyway, so it is nice to have, but I just wish I wouldn't have looked at what other countries have received in the past.
I will probably end up getting the hat and finding somewhere to put it, to me it seems like the only real collectible.
Doc Louis was my choice. Something not as likely to be destroyed, esp. by my 4 year old, Nintendo fan of a niece. :D
Nintendo made this a super easy choice. A plush hat or more content for the best game ever released on Wii HMMMM. For me, it's got to be the Doc Louis match! I wonder if I'll be able to beat each character's challenges by November 1st.
^ the question is how much do you think the hat will go for on ebay? if too many people try to pick it up online, that may drive the price up. so....the question becomes, do you want a download of one fight or do you want the cash that you can get for the hat online? i am taking WAY too long to make this stupid decision.agrippiThere's already 2 on ebay from the previous releases of the hat. Both buy-it-now prices are around $40. If there's even more going up in November because of this batch coming out, I doubt it will drive the price up.
^ the question is how much do you think the hat will go for on ebay? if too many people try to pick it up online, that may drive the price up. so....the question becomes, do you want a download of one fight or do you want the cash that you can get for the hat online? i am taking WAY too long to make this stupid decision.agrippidemand will be a lot less than supply.... people will not get much at all for the hat if they get anything.
It was kind of a tough choice, but in the end, I'm not really a collector whatsoever, so I'm getting the Punch Out fight. Anything I've ever gotten from Gamespot just gets thrown in my closet. The Mario hat would just sit in the dark with my Juke flask and Everquest 2 lunch box. Not that I don't appreciate the gifts from GS over the years, but it's not really my thing.
A Doc Louis Fight! i knew i should have registered some more games instead of holding off for next year.
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