[QUOTE="-shmelo-"]I don't think the motion controls revolutionize the industry. Their small flicks of the wrist that replace buttons but are less responsive. Graphical enhancment is also not revolutionary except for the big 2D to 3D evolution which did literally revolutionize games. The motion controls haven't been adapted very well, the technology has been around and Nintendo some what half assed the Wii. Their next console will expand on the motion controls hopefully expanding them, and hopefully they will think of processing power because the lack of technology in the Wii holds itself back from titles like COD4 and RE5. Why Nintendo would want to limit their console makes no sense.
The Wii has a few fantastic games, only from Nintendo themselves, everything else they have to offer from the library is crap. No More Heroes isn't revolutionary, flick of the wrist to slice someone in half, woop'de'do. At least Mario and Zelda still rock.
Where to begin... The controls of the Wii have enabled gamers to do things that were unheard of. Want to drive a car by steering, check, want to have the best fps controls ever on a console, check, want to play tilt games by actually tilting, check, want to actually be able to swing a bat, punch someone, swing a sword, check. This system has allowed gamers to play games in a ways that were never even dreamed of before. That is why the Wii is so popular. As to the power, Nintendo didn't want the graphics to be on pretty games that are just like PS2/PS1 games. The Wii has changed gaming the way we know it. According to IGN, MoHH2's controls spank COD4's controls.
The Wii has dozens of awesome games, but it seems like you just want COD200, RE 1,900,001 and other sequels that play like games before them with slightly better graphics. We don't even know if RE5 will be ported to the Wii yet. I personally think the graphics on the Wii are just fine. Only about 2 or 3 of the 25+ games that I've played have made me think "these graphics suck!"
NMH is a fun game. They used the Wiimote in a fun way, yet they didn't over do it. Red Steel had interesting ideas as to how to use the wiimote as a sword, but that game was rushed. The Wii is leading this generation for a reason. It has the best games and the most interesting control scheme.
where to begin, ah yes the wii offers the things you said but how many games have actually utilized it to it's fullest potential? it's been hit or miss for a long while now. look at multiplatform games on all three consoles. which one is usually the one with the lowest score? the wii version. because of what? controls and or graphics.
and about sequels, i'd rather get the true sequel to some games than a spin off like soul calibur legends or dq swords.
the best games? no, 360 beats it review wise by a freaking mile.
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