I'm tired of this kind of bologna. Before that statment they say in the video that it is primarilly a system for families and kids. Exactly what are they basing this on? To be sure the wii is more accessable to audiences than most other consoles past and present, but how does that make the system "not for a serious gamer?"
Viedo games are probably my main form of recreation and the wii is my favorite colsole that I had. The wii is full of titles to my liking, mario (NSMBW has been fairly difficult and I would not ****fy it as a "kiddy" game), pikmin (yes it is a GC game but I like the NPC), smash bros, trauma center, and LKS (not a kiddy game when you consider the dialogue and the fact that you are a polygimous king) just to name afew. I like unique playing expierences, not a regurgitation of the same old game with new sprites, as some other gamers seem to prefer.
I don't know, maybe I'm just a "casual gamer" who playes alot, but these kind of comments upset me, especially when it comes from a somewhat authoritative source like consumer reports; it would be like CNN coming out and saying "the wii is for kids"
While it is likeley that I am too late, and this topic is well on it's way to it's eventual death, it has come to my attention that I did not mention that the statment I mentioned is actually in the video on that page, not in the text. GabuEx has kindly provided a transcript of the video on page 3 if you wish ito read it.
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