In a recent interview with Aonuma on this very site, he mentioned how Wind Waker had almost killed the franchise, and how if Twilight Princess hadn't of worked it would have basically been the last Zelda. Now, I know most of you want to put up arms and defend Wind Waker to the bitter end, but please remember, you are a minority. The issue is not whether Wind Waker was a good game or not, because it most definately's how the game was recieved by the mainstream gaming public.
Has Twilight Princess really made the Zelda franchise top tier again in the eyes of the average gamer? I don't live in North America so I wouldn't know.....but judging from the reactions I see on this site, I would say Twilight Princess has suffered somewhat of a backlash. I imagine a majority of people who play games are not nerds like us that bother to notice what other people think on some gaming site.
So how was Twilight Princess recieved according to the masses? Is Zelda back in a big way, or is it just another entry in a franchise that is slowly slipping of the mainstream gamer's radar and into a niche category with the likes of Castlevania and Mega Man?
Any opinions?
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