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It's got a lot of little problems, but it gets fun once you get into it. It's worth it for the rabbit-fun-house level.cam2009That's a classic level, lol.
I don't know why a lot of people hate it. Its starts out hard to control, but once you figure everything out, its a blast.toadster101
Everybody knows Red Steel has problems but it still manages to be a pretty fun game, i think it's underrated but not by too much. It was a rushed launch title afterall. I remember they were talking about how hard they were working to get it ready for launch and make it look and play as well as possible.
See, this is my thing. I don't have hours upon hours a day to play games. I'd love to, but I have a couple jobs, a band, a life (not like "ooohh I have a life! I'm too good for games"... just saying), so I really don't want to spend a few hours "getting used to" glitchy, poor controls. If I pick up a game and play it for an hour or two and it's not doing anything for me, then I'll move on to the next game. I think it's a developer's job to make a game that grips your from the start... of course there's nothing wrong with a bit of a learning curve, but when the learning curve is just that the controls were not thought-out well and the game was rushed, then that's just a waste of my time.decepticondevil99.999 of games are not for you then. It should take a few hours to get used to a new control scheme. It should take a few hours to get down to the nitty and gritty of how the game mechanics work.
See, this is my thing. I don't have hours upon hours a day to play games. I'd love to, but I have a couple jobs, a band, a life (not like "ooohh I have a life! I'm too good for games"... just saying), so I really don't want to spend a few hours "getting used to" glitchy, poor controls. If I pick up a game and play it for an hour or two and it's not doing anything for me, then I'll move on to the next game. I think it's a developer's job to make a game that grips your from the start... of course there's nothing wrong with a bit of a learning curve, but when the learning curve is just that the controls were not thought-out well and the game was rushed, then that's just a waste of my time.decepticondevilNo matter who attacks what you said here...I agree with you. People need to tell people they are wrong, or that they aren't gamers, based on a persons opinions.
As long as you don't get nitpicky about the game like those bloody fussy Zelda-fanatic gits, then you should enjoy it, like I did. A solid 7.5-8.0 game. Great first-gen effort.Optusnetlol you mean the shirley temple brand.
exactly. i would have liked to have been able to change the difficulty level, once you've beaten it, there is no need to go back and play it, at least not until it comes out on the Wii2's VC.I love it. MANY flaws but I still love it.
[QUOTE="decepticondevil"]See, this is my thing. I don't have hours upon hours a day to play games. I'd love to, but I have a couple jobs, a band, a life (not like "ooohh I have a life! I'm too good for games"... just saying), so I really don't want to spend a few hours "getting used to" glitchy, poor controls. If I pick up a game and play it for an hour or two and it's not doing anything for me, then I'll move on to the next game. I think it's a developer's job to make a game that grips your from the start... of course there's nothing wrong with a bit of a learning curve, but when the learning curve is just that the controls were not thought-out well and the game was rushed, then that's just a waste of my time.meimnobody99.999 of games are not for you then. It should take a few hours to get used to a new control scheme. It should take a few hours to get down to the nitty and gritty of how the game mechanics work. Which is exactly why people like us rely on reviews and AA-AAA scores.
If you like red steel then you have very low Ambitions about the wii.
Graphics where awful in so many spots.
Sword play was so dull.
Generic voice acting in every front of the whole game.
EXTREAM!!!!!! LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's awesome. It hasn't got perfect controls but they're good enough to give you a sense of satisfaction when you cap some guy in the back of the head.
I think the graphics are really underrated too. If some of the people that said the graphics  are s*** actually took the time to look at some of the environments and effects, they'd see how great this game looks.
Peoples' standards are way too low if they think Red Steel deserves anything more than a 7. The game is riddled with insane bugs, like people floating flagrantly in the air. The autoaim is incredibly generous, to the point that I barely felt like I was hitting enemies, the swordfighting was boring and repetitive, and the voice acting was, without a doubt, the worst I've ever heard.I would give it a 6, 6.5 too, but it was still fun. The bugs brought it down a lot, and you can't give it a very high score with something like that, I agree. But if you look past those, it can be a good game, sometimes a great game. I don't think it's underrated, but it's pretty easy to get past those things that brought it down and have fun.
By the time I got to the end of the game it was a chore to continue -- the scattered save points didn't help either. I'd give it around a 6 out of 10, and I think that's being generous. I just don't see how everyone can like this game -- maybe it's because it's the only half-decent FPS on the Wii right now.
[QUOTE="ZephyrSB"]Peoples' standards are way too low if they think Red Steel deserves anything more than a 7. The game is riddled with insane bugs, like people floating flagrantly in the air. The autoaim is incredibly generous, to the point that I barely felt like I was hitting enemies, the swordfighting was boring and repetitive, and the voice acting was, without a doubt, the worst I've ever heard.I would give it a 6, 6.5 too, but it was still fun. The bugs brought it down a lot, and you can't give it a very high score with something like that, I agree. But if you look past those, it can be a good game, sometimes a great game. I don't think it's overrated, but it's pretty easy to get past those things that brought it down and have fun.
By the time I got to the end of the game it was a chore to continue -- the scattered save points didn't help either. I'd give it around a 6 out of 10, and I think that's being generous. I just don't see how everyone can like this game -- maybe it's because it's the only half-decent FPS on the Wii right now.
The AI is no worse then most console games. In fact it's often a tad bit better. 360 and PS3 game AI is often worse then the AI in red steel if you actually examine what the enemies are doing. meimnobody
you've got 2 be kiddin meÂ
[QUOTE="meimnobody"]The AI is no worse then most console games. In fact it's often a tad bit better. 360 and PS3 game AI is often worse then the AI in red steel if you actually examine what the enemies are doing. stealth360snipa
you've got 2 be kiddin meÂ
I am not. PS3 and 360 enemy AI isn't any better then prior console gen AI. It's up the programmers to program the AI. Added power doesn't make the AI better by default. You still have to program it. Programmer competance has more to do with the AI then the hardware. Resistance enemies who were so hyped up were found to be brain dead stupid outside the dev showings to the press. There are pc games five years old with enemy AI that are much better then anything the xbox 360 or PS3 has pumped out. The reason being the pc game AI enginners were quite brilliant and took two to three years of work. Hardware wasn't considered the factor it was the programming tools. This also applies to physics engines. Once again programmers not the hardware have far far more to do with how the physics react.    I find it was too short and the sword fighting sucked. There were to many bugs in the game, and on multiplayer when ur being magic girl and all the characters that have sleaves they dont on your screen but when someone else looks at you you have sleeves wtf. Way to go Ubisoft all your games for the Wii suck! I give this game a 4.0
    Well it has Multiplayer and Call of Duty 3 didn`t have it so I`d have to say it`s better then that. Imagin COD3 with multiplayer for Wii it`d be to good to be true.
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