I`m gonna rant a lil :oops: do not flame me... Is mostly bc well, i want a lil reason of why...
Why for a lot of Wii owners there is nothing out there???
I know that I`m not the best sample of free time, so I`m not the best to say that I have tons of games for the wii to play (I have not even finish MP3.. the fact that I play a lil while on my friend`s wii also do not help... :P )
Everyday.. everyday.. that i come to the forums there is a new post about how lil games they are, how nothing is comming out. I do get the ones of ppl saying that are selling there Wii, bc it does not ahve games for him/her (if i were a hardcore RPG i pry will... i think...)
But really... no games???
I have had my Wii since january.. at 1st TRUE... 1-2 games and nothing more... but for the last month we have had games release per week.. I do not even have the money to get them all at the same time, even less the time to play them... Here are the games that i consider good and that i have or i`m planning to own by the end of teh year:
Zelda TP
Super Paper Mario
RE4 wii edition
SoulCalibur Legends (hopefully it would be as good as i hope :P )
Zack and Wiki
Lego: STar wars (i never got to play all :( .. so now is my change :) )
Tomb raider
most of this game were just release and i`m not putting others like Brawl, Medal of honor, and tons more... bc well i copy the list from my collection or my wish games (sadly i do not have money for more..)
So how is that there are no games??? :shock: How do you guys/gals find the time to complete all these? or do you just pass the game without caring of 100%??
BTW: I`m not a fangirl... actually do not get fanboy/girl. I own a ps2 and a Wii (and if i have the money for my Bday (march) I would get myself a 360 or ps3 (thx to GoW3 have doubt again) :lol:
Thx and sorry if offend anyone (hopefully i did not) But i just do not get it.. and read to many of this topics.... and I pry do not have nothing better to do on my 30 mins brake :lol:
EDIT: wow this end up being a lot longer that i expected ... sorry :oops:
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