I really can't agree that the games have been going downhill. Yes, I've played and cleared R/B/Y, and yes, it was before G/S/C was even released. I've also played every mainstream game to date, and cleared at least one every generation.
I'm going to agree that the in-game story has gotten worse, since Team Rocket at least has a goal that seems plausible, unlike the newer ones. However, the Pokemon aren't less original, nor are they "worse" (a very subjective term). The fact is, 1st gen is full of unoriginality, granted 4th doesn't seem that original, but it is as you realize that they had to make 100 and some odd creatures without making any too similar to the existing nearly 400 creatures that already existed. Diversity of the newer games are actually great.
If you've ever played or watched RBY OU you know there's essentially a "standard team" that almost everyone uses. There's just not enough choice. Every team is basically the same. GSC is very similar, as most teams are stall based, and there's a near cookie cutter stall. It is better, but not that varied. RSE is where a competitive OU game actually gets interesting IMO. There's actually a large enough variety to not see the same team every time you play. DPPt is great though. Everyone can add a personal touch to their team without making it substandard easily.
Variety is the gem of the series. It always has been, even though the variety gets cut down by competitive play, the newer games just prove the standout part of the series more than old games do.
I, personally love my Diamond. I am a fan of all the other games. I don't specifically hate any of them, and I can't really name a best or worse in my opinion.
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