My point is that even the first and second gen have their fair share of crappy looking pokemon Shinobishyguy
Never said they didn't.
Plausability? When the first Pokemon in the Pokedex is a green dinousar.........thing, with a gigantic bulb on it's back, I don't think you have any right to be demanding plausible Pokemon. In fact, since they are imaginary, they are inherently inplausible.
Ever heard of suspension of disbelief? If something is simply implausible or impossible to believe within its own context, it tests and can even break the suspension of disbelief. Something being made up does not mean that it is inherently implausible. Pokemon has fallen into that, as far as I'm concerned.
Bulbasaur is just fine.
Primeape vs Infernape.
Go on. I dare you to say that the 1st generation boxing fur ball with a pig nose, that according to it's name, was supposed to be an ape, is more plausible than the 4th generation fire ape.
Um...what exactly are you trying to prove? So it has a weird nose...what's your point? That's one incredibly small detail that's barely relevant to the whole of the creature.
Primeape is an ape. It's known for its rage and using its fists as weapons, something that certain species of real apes do; nothing too strange. That's a whole lot more plausible than an ape that can vomit fire.
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