Again, price does not matter
If price mattered the Gamecube would have won last gen, instead it came in third place being beaten out by a console that stopped production before it was even halfway done with it's lifecycle
The only thing that the Wii has going for it in the motion will wont be an advantage next gen. On top of that unless Nintendo starts to make friends in the entertainment field it wont have anything other then it's games.
Sony blew their lead because they introduced tech that the world was not ready to adopt as it's mainstream delivery device. It had nothing to do with price
Again, I don't understand why you and others think that price matters in gaming. It's an expernsive hobby that requres money all the time to keep it going.
Price is not an object for most
Obviously price isn't the only factor but it wasn't a factor, why does the PS3 cost $299 now? hmm, oh no answer, I thought so, nuff said. Price is very important, extremely important, if the same PS3 or 360 came out at $250, we might be looking at a different race. Its not the only factor but your are massively unrealistic in your claims that its about as important as the color of the controllers. THAT is something thats not important to most people. People aren't going to pay $700 for a game console, simple as that, no matter what it features. And Nintendo does need to start putting Facebook and Netflix on thier console for it to succeed, I don't see anyone buying the 360 because they can go on Facebook.
Wrong again
The reason the PS3 lowered it's price is because they're losing the console war and spent time making the console 70% cheaper to produce
There were reports everywhere, are you just trying to avoid gaming news at this point?
Price does not matter, what matters is features and the motion was the way to lure customers to the console. Next gen they wont have the upper hand with motion.
It doesn't make sense to arrive first if you can't provide anything that distances itself from the current generation
Just as you were corrected about the Dreamcast and the PS2 it works perfectly in this case. The Dreamcast launched and didn't separate itself from the current gen, it wasn't until the PS2 arrived that one console started to distance itself because it brought something new to the generation
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