I think Mario Galaxy was one of the best games for the Wii, but I really wish that Nintendo made a whole new formula instead of outer-space and planets. I know that there will obviously be new things in Galaxy 2, but it from what we've seen so far, it's more like downloadable content to extend the gameplay of the original. It has the good old bee costume, theball you roll on,the same kind of atmosphere, etc.
Yes there are new cool things like riding Yoshi, new suits and areas, but I really think that they could've made a whole new Mariouniverse. Maybe a reason for them making a sequel to the old game was because the original was so successful? I'm not sure, but it would've been cool if Nintendo created a totally new formula, kind of like they did from Mario 64 to Mario Sunshine to Mario Galaxy, if you know what I mean.
Even so, this is the second major Mario platformer on the Wii and I don't remember if previous systems had that. I just feel like a lot of the things that I'll see in the new Galaxygame will be very familiar and it would be cool if we saw something totally new. Still, I'm excited! :P
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