So my first Zelda experience was actually on my 3DS, when I picked up the Zelda special edition version, which came bundled with the game. I loved it from start to finish, and when I finally picked up a Wii (I know, picking it up at this point isn't even late to the party, it's missing the party entirely), the first game I got was Twilight Princess. I was a little skittish about using motion controls to attack with Link, but in the end I am now loving it (about 1/4 of the way through the game so far). However, when I found out that Skyward Sword takes the motion controls even further with 1-1 control, I became skeptical. After reading the gamespot review, I am now downright worried. I bought my Wii knowing that my investment would be returned just from the two Zelda games, but if the controls in Skyward Sword kinda suck, I'm not sure how much fun it will be.
I pose the question to you guys: Did you like the Skyward Sword controls? Did you find them more/less easy to use than the TP controls? Did the new control system ever lead to frustration on your end?
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