Many games today have full voice acting in order to make a more immersive experience, unfortunately, Zelda Skyward Sword is still full of text, and for a 50-100 hour game, according Miyamoto, I imagine lots of it. I think it's about time Zelda take a step forward and have some proper voice acting, even Metroid have voice acting, and while I wouldn't say it's perfect, I still prefer having some talking rather than no talking. IGN had a poll some time ago that showed that the majority of IGN readers would prefer to see some talking in Zelda by now. Would you really prefer to see the characters randomly open and close their mouth for no reason, or hear the people of Hyrule make random Sims noises and grumbling sounds while text appears for you to read?
I understand that most fans would prefer that Link remains quiet, well then, they could still take a more Metroid Prime 3 way and make Link silent, but everyone else talks, that's not so bad now is it?
So GameSpoters, I left a poll, vote and show what would be your prefered choice.
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