I bought it the day it came out and I gotta say I love it. That being said you have to understand that yes there are a lot of things about it that could of been better but at its core it is still a great game. Ive found it to be a little addicting. The combat is fast and fun and the locations, characters, and story arent bad either. Oh and those that claimed its only like 8 hours long are wrong. Im around 12 hours in and still have not finished it or experienced all that it offers. If you like old school rpg style games and Dragon Quest this game is for you. There is a great nostalgia factor here too. Think of the original Dragon Quest except instead of pressing a button to slice through an opponent you do it yourself.
Linear track games just aren't my thing... Dungeon Quest back in the day was mildly entertaining... but I can't forgive a game in this day and age for not having free movement or more interface than a 90's arcade game. Etrian Odyssey is a rare exception to this in my opinion, because of its interesting "Map the Forest" phylosophy. But it's still less linear than this.
It may be underrated to you. It looks very linear to me, and it seems short for a DQ game. I guess I can only compare it to DQVIII, since it's the only DQ game I've played, and it looks nothing like it so really, I can't compare.
I understand the crowd they were going for, but I think this game was too simplified. I haven't played it, but it sounds to me like the reviews are justified.
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