These are some of the games that might be at E3.
BomberMan Stories DS-Bomberman is back and Camcon is almost done with the game in it there is Bomberman hired as a special Agent and to get some stolen Scienticfic Data that is all Capcom has said about the game.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia:Konami is almost done with the game and they said it is a two dimensional platformer for the DS and it is RPG and Adventure.
Flower,Sun, and Rain:Your main character Sumio is a searcher who looks for peoples lost things that is all Victor Interactive said about the game. It might come out this year or next year.
Infinite Line:Created by Sega. It is for people who likes to created stuff and control spaceships. All you do is make a spaceship and control it so it will be at E3 but not one of there major games.
Pokemon Platnuim:Game Freak is back and they have a remodel version of Pearl and Diamond but you can capture Dialga and Palkia and also Girantina in his new forme. If you bring Shaymin and Regigigas you can have there new formes like Shaymin he will have a Ice Type forme and Regigigas. Regice, Regirock, and Registeel will appear. The gameplauy is that Sinnoh is under an Ice Age and the portal to the ruined world is open and that is all GameFreak said it might come out this year or next Year.
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark BrotherHood: Segas major game for the DS is coming out and the gameplay is that Tails calls Sonic and tells him that Knuckles has been kidnapped and Choas Emeralds has been stolen so Sonic and his friends try to save Knuckles and they think that Eggman is behind this but it is a new foe.
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