@Sepewrath: That's one way of viewing it, and if we were talking another console, I would totally buy what you were saying. The Wii U, much like basically any Nintendo platform in regards to the tried-and-true notions, just isn't that easy to sum up. While we are talking about the North America audience here, I still think it's worth noting that between the two genres, Survival Horror games have been just as successful as -if not more than- the tough guy action games on Nintendo platforms in recent years. Neither genre is ever going to flourish on a Nintendo system, but it's not like one is a safer bet than the other. Even the Japanese-centric nature or female-lead cast don't do much to help or hurt the dynamics here, as we know that titles featuring either of the two can be successful.
If I had to bet money on which game would do better between Fatal Frame 5 and Devil's Third at this juncture, I'm still backing Fatal Frame here because in large part because of the very factors that have been mentioned by both of us and how Nintendo systems are usually BackwardsLand as far as the rest of the industry is concerned when it comes to what will be successful. The fact that FF5 appears to be more polished and use the Gamepad in a seemingly interesting way is just icing on the cake here. It's just odd that one game would get full backing and the other one would see less support, especially when neither title is destined to be mulit-million sellers.
Just my two cents... :P
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