but should check out.
Nostalgia : A steam-punk inspired JRPG that is developed by the same people(Matrix Software) who did the DS remakes of FF III and FF IV, as well as Avalon Code.
Overlord Minions : A bite-size version of Overlord, but with puzzle solving at its core. Sign me up!
Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter : Fans of the first game will feel right at home with this one.
Legend of Kay : I'm not sure if this game is a port of the PS2 game of the same name. What I am sure of though is those screen shots look great! Oh by the way...GameSpot gave the PS2 Legend of Kay an 8.0.
Dementium 2 : Does Renegade Kid have another Mature title hit on their hands?
C.O.P. The Recruit : Impressive visuals for a DS game! Is this how GTA Chinatown Wars should have been made? Time will tell if Ubisoft pulled this one off.
Picross 3D : If this game is even half as addicting as the first one, we will have a winner.
What do you think of these games? I purposely left out some of the better known titles shown at E3 for the DS.
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