The wiimote still has tons of untapped potential because third parties publishers felt they never had any reason to bother.
Well Nintendo themselves never really bothered to continue on with it either..so?...hence why the new gamepad. Face it wiimote is gonna be left to collect dust with the gamepad now the primary controller. If Nintendo were serious they would improve the wiimote & use that as the main controller for WiiU.
Well, they sort of are. I mean, judging by E3, pikmin 3's primary control set-up seems to be the wiimote. And a wiimote-only zelda u wouldn't suprise me.
But yes, I am dissapointed in the focus on the gamepad instead of a better wiimote. I think including a wiimote plus and nunchuck in the box was vital and they f-ed up.
Well, that's no surprise as Pikmin 3 was going to be a Wii title before being moved to Wii U...same for New Super Mario U.
A better example would be Pikmin 4, or titles this Xmas (hopefully).
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