[QUOTE="-Fromage-"] I'm not sure if you can turn it off, but it seems like whoever is first in your party will follow behind you.ANIMEguy10034
Getting on the bike puts them in a Pokeball. And I had hoped that there would be a sidecar or tricycle for them :(
Huge pokemon stay in the pokeballs whenever you're inside a house/building/crowded area.
Sidecar + G/S/C/HG/SS Bike theme = BEST IDEA EVAR!
but Wailord might need a truck instead... :?
which reminds me...
Has anyone traded a wailord to HG/SS? How big is it? Does it look funny? O_o
Nevermind. I managed to get a wailord to HG. It's not as big as I thought it would be. It's about 2x the size of the trainer sprite and it looks like it's sliding whenever you walk/run with it. Kinda disappointed but the sliding makes me laugh. :lol:
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