Are all pokemon available in GS and SS? I mean D/P/Pt had pokemon like gable, lucario, and R/B/E had pokemon like Metagross. Are these, as well as all other pokemon included in HG and SS?hydralisk86
they are included by listening to the radio on thursdays or fridays to find swarming hoenn or sinnoh pokemon, or catching them on routes inside the pokewalker, there are also more to come with wifi events even some event routes for pokewalker that hosts more of these pokemon.
in a sense u can not obtain 42 pokemon in these games and pokewalker. but 2 of these 42 are mew and celebi which mew just had a event in japan to obtain him and celebi will most likely have a wifi event.
making that 40 pokemon are unobtainable in these games and these 40 must be traded for or transfered over (pal park)
regirock,regiice, registeel, jirachi, deoxys, turtwig, grotle, torterra, chimchar, monferno, infernape, piplup, prinplup, empoleon, cranidos, rampados, shieldon, bastiodon, drifloon, drifblim, glameow, purugly, stunky, skuntank, magnezone, leafeon, glaceon, probopass, rotom, uxie, mesprit, azelf, heatran, regigigas, cresselia, phione, manaphy, darkrai, shaymin, arceus.
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