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As far as being able to move quickly to a target the Wiimote is probably better to use, granted it does not tire your arm out to use it (I have to let my wrist rest on my knee so it isn't as jerky). However, I've also found it generally more jerky and hard to do precise adjustments (moving the aiming thing just a tiny bit so its on a target instead of right next to them). I played through the game on the hardest difficulty with the wiimote and nunchuk so that control scheme is definitely usable. I have also used the gamecube controller, particularly in the first level or two of the game because I was having a hard time getting used to using the Wiimote to aim.
I haven't used the classic controller that I have yet, but I hear that the classic controller pro (the controller attatchment that is better and has handles on it) is actually the best to use for this game. I have only seen that in a few forum discussions though, so that isn't gospel.
Really though, just find whatever control scheme you can do the best with, experiment with the controls and the sensitivity settings and practice.
I got GE within it's first couple days of release so I have some experience with online play (Lv. 26).
Enemies are only shown on the map when they fire their gun. Unless they shoot, the map is useless. If they get an elimination with a silencer on their gun or a melee attack, they don't show up on the map.
For the most part, it just takes getting use to. Camping isn't going to be much use unless you know what you're doing. I find that constantly moving gets you eliminations faster and makes the game more exciting. My first few levels, I was only getting 3 or 4 kills a round. Now I'm not satisfied unless I get at least 25. It just takes practice.
try to keep constantly moving online if you stop I find its easier to get killed. Also try to watch your back as much as possible to avoid being flanked
Get the Classic Controller Pro if you can. There is no get good fast way to do it you just have to keep on playing and playing and you will get better with every game. Although try to get familiar with the maps and learn the control points and the camping spots. Other than that use the Kallos and Sigmus 9 as you can unlock them early and they are pretty powerful.
If you can't seem to get any better then maybe shooting games just aren't your forte.
I don't know man, its been quite a while since I've played the original Goldeneye multiplayer, and even then I think I only played 1 on 1. The online for Goldeneye is basically like Call of Duty. There are loadouts, gadgets you get at higher levels (remote mines, proximity mines, polarized lenses to nullify flashbangs, etc.), weapons you get to use at higher levels, and so on. You don't get to play as classic Bond characters until you reach level 35 and unlock classic conflict (free for all with classic Bond characters), instead you play as MI6 operatives vs. Russian soldiers (I think, it really doesn't matter though).
There are Goldeneye specific game modes like Golden Gun and Goldeneye, but it is still pretty similar to Call of Duty. Golden Gun has infinite ammo, but only one bullet before you have to reload. You get 5 points for a golden gun kill while normal kills are worth one. First to 40 wins the match. Whoever has the golden gun is shown on the little radar map to prevent excessive camping.
I never really played Goldeneye (online game mode), but I think it is either like capture the flag or territories.
I thought it was pretty fun, but if you have one of the acclaimed multiplayer games on another console (like Halo: Reach, Call of Duty, Gears of War, SOCOM) its probably not going to trump any of those. I think the main selling point here is that it is a fun FPS with online play for the Wii; oh yeah, and the nostalgia of the single player being based on the original game that pretty much everyone loved.
Like most online competitive playing you have to know your stuff to win. Level layouts, campin spots. How to shoot with what weapon. Being the first to shoot. Side stepping and ducking while shooting....What weapons work best at the begining is the kallos and ua 1 default loadouts. If your using a sub machine gun and its important to use the hip fire in close quarters and the site for long shots. Also when to use the melee and when to shoot. Once you master the many simple subtle elements you will get much better and it will become more fun.
im only a level 6 and i manage to get a good number of kills one time getting the max 30 kills in a game lol
so ya doesnt take long to get use to certain levels ,others it takes long for levels like jungle i just cant stand that one ,
i like the archives facility outpost nightclub and statue ive won games on these maps , at least by having the most points
i maxed out in the archives having the 30 points ,
DO NOT STOP MOVING. Follow that rule, and you'll find yourself getting way less deaths :D. You're harder to hit and you'll find more people.
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