Note: these are for Gamecube only titles.
I was playing Tales of symphonia for Gamecube awile ago and thought it could have a great Wii Sequel. The game had like 2 endings that would make for a good sequel. The controls could be made really cool for excuting combos on enemies. like swinging the wii mote and nunchuck around as loyd's Twin blades. That would be a great game.
Also Super mario Sunshine 2 could be a great title along with Galaxy.
I cannot think of many GCN-exclusive games that deserve a sequel because they are already going to get sequels. Though its less mentioned, I would like to see another Icaruga or Viewtiful Joe. As long as there will be more platformers from Kirby, Donkey Kong, or Mario, it should suffice for me.
On the other note, the Tales series is very much my favorite RPG, and every Tales game (with the exception of Tales of Destiny 1/2) usually provide no room for sequels. I do not see a good sequel coming out of Tales of Symphonia after what seeing happens at the end. If you have access to a Playstation2 system, try out Tales of the Abyss (if possible, Tales of Legendia), whole new storyline, but same style of gameplay that more than makes up for the lack of sequel for ToS. I agree that the Tales has a ton of potential in the battle mode since you could get away with button mashing most of the time (though Tales of Abyss will make you pay if you do not block often or do not coordinate your attacks), Tales would benefit with the Nunchuck + WiiMote combo. When I played Tales of Symphonia three summers ago, I never really enjoyed a game as much as any other, the high depth of character development, good voice acting (from Teen Titans), Cel-Shading, and a dramatic storyline.
There will be Sword of Legendia for the Wii which will be a Tales of Legendia spinoff. I remember that Tales of Legendia had a decent storyline although it was like 73 hours of montonous gameplay. Sadly, no spinoff for Tales of Symphonia, a title that I believe brought greatness to the franchise.
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