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[QUOTE="catfishmoon23"][QUOTE="ryustruck"][QUOTE="big_mak123"]At first when i beat zelda and spm, but then i bought mario party 8 and play it almost every single day. I'm also thinking of getting strikers should i ??MasterSwordXXX
no. its horrible.
yeah, I agree.
strikers? are you kidding? if ur talking about mp8, i agree.... but strikers is great! what are u talking about?
I just don't find it that fun. I was expecting something addictinglike MKDS online and MSCdidn't fill those shoes. I can't play MSC for more than 20 mins until I'm bored, unlike MK where I could play till the day was over. I guess my expectations were totally wrong lol.
I've been disappointed as well, pretty much only bought it because I was bored with my other systems and couldn't afford a PS3, but I was excited about Manhunt 2 and Sadness. I don't play my Wii much these days, the only good game I've played on it is Order of the Phoenix. Wii Play and Wii Sports are ok, but not great. I'll start playing it alot more when I get Manhunt 2, but I'm overall disappointed in the game selection, none of them are unique or creative, mature, or interesting and I feel like I'm looking at the same selection since the original NES. They should really step up and make newer games instead of recontinuing the same old series like Metroid and Mario. Come on, isn't someone sick by Mario Party by now? Let's see something new.Solid_Snake325
Why did you get a wii just for MH 2? it's coming out on the PS2 as well and I'm guessing you have a PS2 since you have Solid Snake as your avatar/username.
To be quite honest, with the exception of virtual console games, how can you play with your wii *laughs* occassionally? With the exception of super paper mario, there really wasn't another game this year thats a great title. Just be glad that metroid prime 3 will probably mark the begining of *actual* wii games this fall. I don't like the metroid prime series as the exploration is just sleep material for me, though it is a actual wii game thats not a port or a dumb casual game. Thats good enough on its own.
Only time I've touched my wii recently was to play scarface and far cry *which is no where near as bad as people say it is. graphics are probably ps2 quality stuff*.
I use my Wii probably about every day. I usually play Resident Evil 4 (best Wii game so far) and The Godfather, and occasionally play Wii sports, Red Steel, and GT Pro Racing. I also have 5 VC games that I play frequantly, and I use the message boards and Internet Channel often.
The Wii is a spectacular console if you get the right games for it
[QUOTE="MasterSwordXXX"][QUOTE="catfishmoon23"][QUOTE="ryustruck"][QUOTE="big_mak123"]At first when i beat zelda and spm, but then i bought mario party 8 and play it almost every single day. I'm also thinking of getting strikers should i ??catfishmoon23
no. its horrible.
yeah, I agree.
strikers? are you kidding? if ur talking about mp8, i agree.... but strikers is great! what are u talking about?
I just don't find it that fun. I was expecting something addictinglike MKDS online and MSCdidn't fill those shoes. I can't play MSC for more than 20 mins until I'm bored, unlike MK where I could play till the day was over. I guess my expectations were totally wrong lol.
PSST! Buddy over here. Let me tell you sometin. Strikers ISN'T a racing game....
havent played my wii much in the last month since I got a 360
Looking forward to Metroid Prime though. I havent played the series much, but could anyone tell me what distinguishesMetroid from other shooters?
I've been playing my Wii everyday. I have Super Metroid and I'm going for my second run through to beat it under 3:00 hours. I also play Madden NFL 08, use the Internet Channel (the best Internet Channel on any console/handheld), and some GCN games.
I'm just waiting for Metroid Prime 3.
At first I played my Wii alot. For about a month, maybe a month and a half.
Then it just sat there collectibg dust for a long time. I'd only go on the Voting channel once in awhile.
But lately for the past week it's been getting used alot to play Paper Mario (N64). What an amazingly fun, and well-made game.
I actually love the Wii. I still play Wii Sports to this day. I can't understand how half of you complain that Zelda and Mario games have gotten boring, yet you buy a 360 - which is ALL FPS's. That's boring. Halo is overrated. And, well, I guess I'm not much of an FPS kinda guy. Oh, and XBLive is overrated.
Anyways, I know that was off-topic, but on-topic:
I have so much more fun playing Madden 08, SSX Blur, and VC games with my friends than I do with playing anything on X360 or PS3. Yeah, there are alot of crappy PS2 ports with tacked-on Wii controls, but there are alot of good games! And so many more on the way. Maybe it's just me....
I mean seriously, there is a major lack of Wii games. I haven't played my Wii since I got it, on release pretty much. I spent a crapload of time playing Zelda, WariorWare, and Trauma Center, and then nothing else came out so I quit, anybody else feel the same?
Use your imagination, there is Resident Evil 4, Super Paper Mario, Madden, Mario Strikers.
smooth 81 read my mind. I'm replaying Metroid Prime games and Zelda: The Windwaker to prep for the upcoming sequels (i don't hav an internet connection that works for my Wii, so yeah...) but when it comes to actual wii games, I'm playing Twilight Princess for the third time and replaying Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition. Wii rules!
Sorry can't agree, I use the Wii ever day to play. Rayman Raving Rabbids, Smash Bros Melee, Harvest Moon Wonder life, Sonic secret rings, Golden Axe II, Legend Of Zelda, Zelda OOT, Super Metroid, FzeroX and Shining force.
My gamecube is still alive and well on Wii, mainly play Melee and Wii is used everyday in my home for News, Weather, Vc channel and YOUTUBE vids!!!!!! Love you my reviews BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAahaha.....(ahem) Sorry had little to much coffee.........WII ROCKS...cause it has old school and NEW stuff! :P
"Don't Judge me Im Married!".......
I mean seriously, there is a major lack of Wii games. I haven't played my Wii since I got it, on release pretty much. I spent a crapload of time playing Zelda, WariorWare, and Trauma Center, and then nothing else came out so I quit, anybody else feel the same?
Oh and I have a question, if I reformat my Wii's harddrive, will I be able to re-download my Virtual Console games???
Well I play my Wii almost everyday, but I'm playing VC or GC games on it, so I can see where you're coming from (the Wii's game list kind of sucks right now). As fr the hardrive question, you can't re-download games, it's erase everything for good.
I play my wii every day and why you dont touch your wii? in sample you can do a lot of things with thats games
LOZTP: Get all the pieces of heart, get all poe, get all golden bugs, complete the cave of ordeals, upgrade your quiver,wallet,bombs and double the bottles and bombs=
and remember the mario party 8 and WariOWARE
think that
P.S.Wii Rocks
PSST! Buddy over here. Let me tell you sometin. Strikers ISN'T a racing game....
I know that lol, but the way people were saying that they play for hours on end, I just can't seem to get thatmuch into the game. I guess I was looking for an arcade-like game such as MK, but MSC was to arcadish for me.
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