Yeah a few times, on the bus and train. I take mine on the bus but the next town is an hour away.
I see a lot of kids with Phones and Tablets more than anything. Playing games and watching movies.
I've seen a handful of 3DS, and a few switches. Mostly older kids. I even saw a Vita once.
Tablets and phones have taken over for most, you can just do more on them when in public.
I play my Switch on the train and at work. Seen maybe two Switches and a few DSs in public before. I couldn't tell you if they were 3DSs or DSs.
Saw a person playing it on a Bus look like he was in his early 20's I Peeked and he was playing stardew valley
I've used the Switch on airplanes before. That's about it. I'd much rather play it on a big screen TV with a full size controller. I tried using it in the car and that didn't go so well.
I was at the doctor's office in the waiting room and saw a dad with his son playing the Switch. First time I ever saw anyone use one in public.
3ds yes. Og ds, gb, and gba as well back when they were big. So far I’m the only person I’ve seen use a switch in public and thats if I’m on a flight.
I saw a kid 2 weeks ago playing one in a library. That's the only time I've seen one. Back in the day I'd see kids with Gameboy Advance all the time, and 2DS for a bit. Maybe it's too big to take out.
I don't have a Switch yet but I've noticed that I haven't played my 3DS in public in ages, although I noticed a kit playing a Switch in a doctors office about five or six months ago.
literally 100s if you count events where gamers gather. If you don't count them, then yeah, I also rarely see other people playing them. That might however be because I'm too busy playing myself to notice :P
A Switch? No, but I think that's my fault because I try to avoid dealing with the public after work as much as possible. I have seen 3DS and 2DS systems in the wild before.
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