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only when a game worth buying comes out. Ido not just buy game to get a new game. Vegetaxxssj4
Same here.
[QUOTE="Vegetaxxssj4"]only when a game worth buying comes out. Ido not just buy game to get a new game. Ellimist314
Same here.
[QUOTE="Ellimist314"][QUOTE="Vegetaxxssj4"]only when a game worth buying comes out. Ido not just buy game to get a new game. WSGRandomPerson
Same here.
I to have been buying More DS games lately then PSP. It Seems to go in cycles though. When ever I have the money and a good one is out there.
As soon as a game is released and I want it, I get it.Soulreavercross
Yeah, that's pretty much how I am. As a result, I didn't get any games after SM64DS in the DS' first year. But now, with all these crazy good games coming out, I'm going =\
I bought the crimson red and black DS last month, which was bundled with Brain Age 2. I proceeded to buy eight more games within that month. I think I must have attention defecit disorder or something.... :Pfuzziebear00
You must be rich or you just love your DS that much, I could only buy 1-2 games a month. I often buy second hand games.
I only buy brand new games if i really like the game.
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