I Need To Debunk A Common Myth, Casuals This Casuals That

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#51 bob_newman
Member since 2006 • 8133 Posts

Here's my theory: have you ever heard people say "I have a 360 (or a PS3), and the Wii is my 2nd console"? I hear this a lot, actually. But what I don't hear much is "I have a 360, and the PS3 is my 2nd console".

Why is this?

Well, if you look at what the Wii has to offer, be it the unique control scheme, the exclusive titles, or the lower price, you can understand that many avid gamers have a Wii.

Last gen, the Gamecube had little to offer gamers in terms of unique gameplay. Sure, they had the regular Nintendo exclusives, but that was pretty much it (not to mention that people just didn't accept Mario Sunshine or Wind Waker like they have accepted Galaxy and Twilight Princess).

I mean, why would people buy a Gamecube when the PS2 has more exclusives and a similar package to that of the Gamecube? Both had good graphics, both had a similar price point, and both had a similar controller. That hurt the sales numbers for Nintendo last gen, and the lack of a unique experience was ultimately the reason why it didn't succeed as well as the PS2.

I think that if the Xbox 360 didn't exist (or the PS3), and there were just Nintendo and one other company, sales would be roughly equal for the two companies.

I mean, Nintendo has just under 50% of the market right now (it will be 50% in a few months, if everything goes the way it has so far), so if people weren't split between the PS3 and the Xbox 360, I'd venture to say that most "hardcore" gamers would have one of each console, making the sales roughly the same.

Also, the fact that multiplatform releases (meaning you can buy the game on the Xbox, PS3, or Wii) often see the best sales figures from the "version" that gets the best rating when compared to other consoles is also a sign that people only buy one version of the game. That could explain why a lot of 3rd party multiplatform games have sold better on the 360 than they have on the Wii (please note that I'm not hating on the Wii, it's just that they often have "achievements", downloadable content, and better graphics on the 360 version).

I think, by that logic, it shows that "hardcores" make up a good majority of the Wii's sales figures. Of course, this is just my speculation, so don't take it too literally. But I think this makes a lot of sense, when you really think about it.

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#52 WylFret
Member since 2007 • 428 Posts
I think a large part of the "problem" is that many gamers define/profile what it means to be a gamer in terms of their own demographic. If you're 16-17 years old and primarily into a particular genre (like M rated FPS games - to use a stereotype), it doesn't make others less of a "gamer" if they're not. Someone earlier in the thread asked Jaysonguy why he didn't buy NMH, like the poster just couldn't fathom that someone might have different tastes in games. I see that mentality here everyday, where people can only see the world through their own eyes. Wake up, there are equally valid opinions out there that just happen to be different from your own.
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#53 Quofan
Member since 2005 • 1606 Posts

Ok, I'd just like to say this one thing and read carefully because I will mock you for a long time if you fall into this crowd so you were warned ahead of time lol

If you really do think that the Wii is bought mainly by "novice" users you must also accept that by saying that you think that people who never played or rarely played games stay out in 0 degree temps waiting for stores to open getting in line up to 10 hours early, signing onto websites to find out who had a Wii shipment when, calls stores nonstop daily to find out who has the Wii in stock, and reserved it from a myriad of different places online and off.

So "novice" users are taking a large chunk of their lives tracking down the console

Because to have one you have to have the other.


The Wii is the latest 'big thing'. You would be surprised how far the general public would go to own the latest 'big thing'.

Personally I dont care if its a 'big thing' or not, I don't care if its fashionable, I just want the games. Many people buying it, including many waiting outside stores and desperately searching the internet etc. do not care so much about the games, they just want to own the next 'big thing'.

Only way to explain why some moron would buy an iPod when there are cheaper, better MP3 players that can do all the same things.

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#54 ag1052
Member since 2006 • 5725 Posts

I feel from time to time the Wii was made just for me. I am not new to gaming... I started with the Master system and have had a system every gen except for last gen.I loved my sega systems and I loved my 64 but after the 64 I didnt see the point anymore. I had systems already that could handle 2D and 3D gaming and I had games that I could play time and time again and enjoy myself so I saw no point in getting the next gen just because its the latest thing. At that point I thought I would forever play my master system but never again own a new system. Once I saw the Wii and its potential to change the status quo of gaming I knew I had to have one.

I use to work at a used video game store. We sold everything from xbox to atari. I loved it there because the guys I worked with and our customers all had the same love for old school games that I did. The only current gen stuff we sold was all Wii related and it sold well. The only reason we sold Wii stuff was because of how much 99% of our customers loved the Wii. I dont know how to explain it but there is something about the Wii (and its more than just the VC) that makes old school gamers love current games again.

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#55 WylFret
Member since 2007 • 428 Posts

While people are focusing on either extreme (very hardcore vs. very casual), I think there are many more Wii owners out there just like me - 30somethings who grew up as the video gaming industry itself was growing up and conversely have an extensive gaming history, but have careers and families and at the end of the day just wants to have *fun* with what free time we have. I go through phases where I play hours a day on the Wii on a regular basis, and phases where I'm busy with other things and don't touch the Wii for a week or more.

Then there's my game library. When Endless Ocean shows up tomorrow (according to UPS anyway), that'll make 17 games I have for the Wii. I've got core games (SMG, Zelda TP, etc.), so-called casual games (like Brain Academy, Bust-a-Move Bash, Mercury Meltdown Revolution, etc.), sports games (my own favorite genre - Madden, Tiger, MLB Power Pros, etc.), and a good deal more 3rd party games than 1st. But I got both literally and figuratively sick of FPS games after too much Wolf 3D, Doom, and Quake (among others) back in the day, so that genre isn't even on my radar (even though I got Elebits for the kids). 'M' rated games don't impress me whatsoever unless the games are extremely well written, I just could NOT care less about games that aren't compelling when you get beyond the graphic violence/sex/language/etc. But I don't begrudge anyone else who does get off on that.

So in effect - sometimes I'm "hardcore," sometimes I'm "casual," and usually I'm somewhere in the middle. I like the Wii for what it offers both for myself and my family, and I can't be bothered to worry about what other people think of the games I like/don't like and how much I play or don't play. And I'm not any less of a gamer for it, and neither are the many others like me :)

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#56 chris3116
Member since 2003 • 12174 Posts

My problem on these debates is what is a hardcore game? I have been gaming for 19-20 years and it's this gen that I begin to hear that. I can define a casual game but a hardcore game? I don't know what's that. I can accept casual games. Tetris is probably the most popular casual game ever made. Was it fun? Yes. I remember the GameBoy. When the GameBoy appeared, people bought it for 1 thing: Tetris.

People tend to say that Wii is nothing but a console for casual games. I highly disagree. It's true that casual gamers made their choice in Wii this gen. Last gen, it was the PS2. But I can see many "hardcore" games coming very soon. It's just that the idiots who think there's nothing, they are blind. They need glasses.

Shooters are not hardcore games. People don't care about the single campaign on them. All they want is playing online. Online gaming is probably the most casual thing ever made. Sports games are casual games as well. I'm sure GTA is a casual game as well. The Xbox Live Arcade is probably the most casual service made today. XBLA has like cards, sudoku, chess, puzzle, and arcade games. Arcade games are casual games. What's hardcore in Pac-Man? Rock Band and Guitar Hero are casual games.

Casual games are the future of gaming. Deal with it or quit gaming.

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#57 WolfWatch
Member since 2007 • 882 Posts
A hardcore game is a game that is determined by people who's drive in gaming is to play the as if it were somewhat real life. FPS are somewhat hardcore. People want to simulate the person shooting and getting shot. Mario is fun and we would all love to be jumping around in space but we don't take it with the seriousness and intent as that of as something like Call of Duty.
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#58 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

I have said CONSTANTLY that hardcore gamers are the majority when it comes to Wii. Besides your 90% (which I would love to see a link to) look at all the hardcore games selling miilion or near million. RE4 almost 2 million, RE UC. 80 million, SMG, almost 6 million, LoZ:TP 4.44 million, GHIII 1.55, Mario Strikers Charged 1.21 million, RS 1.04 million, Pokemon battle Revolution .85 million, MP3 1.14 million, Sonic and the secret Rings .82 million, and Super Paper Mario 2.14 million.

All of these are the big games on Wii these are HARDCORE. I have been trying to tell people this.

Now what about this notion of non gamers? Yes they are still there. Nintendo has opened the audience to new gamers and thats helping them boost ahead of the 360. It is still a significant audience on Wii but not nearly as significant as the hardcore and thats why so much shovel ware phails. Mario Party has always sold well no matter what system it was on, Wii Sports is pure genious and sells really well even in non pbundled areas, and the list goes on what ever casual game is there has a hardcore draw or was bought by hardcores for their relatives.

Certain companies need to look at the reality. They dont make good games, they dont advertise, and they dont even try because they think non gamers are easily tricked so then their games phail. Once they start seeing that there are both gamers on Wii were gonna see some better support. In the meanwhile the companies that do these games right will continue to get good sails.

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#59 Thiago26792
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Maybe the people that call the Wii a console for casual gamers are just ignorant, they think that Wii Sports is all the Wii got. The term hardcore gamer is commonly confused with FPS and violent games lovers. They think that they have to play "hard" games to be called a "hardcore" gamer. Nintendo produces games focusing in the casual audience, but also games for experienced gamers. So, the Wii has games for everybody, that's the reason why it's called Wii, if some of you people forgot.

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#60 vivi2000
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I think a large part of the "problem" is that many gamers define/profile what it means to be a gamer in terms of their own demographic. If you're 16-17 years old and primarily into a particular genre (like M rated FPS games - to use a stereotype), it doesn't make others less of a "gamer" if they're not. Someone earlier in the thread asked Jaysonguy why he didn't buy NMH, like the poster just couldn't fathom that someone might have different tastes in games. I see that mentality here everyday, where people can only see the world through their own eyes. Wake up, there are equally valid opinions out there that just happen to be different from your own.WylFret

While people are focusing on either extreme (very hardcore vs. very casual), I think there are many more Wii owners out there just like me - 30somethings who grew up as the video gaming industry itself was growing up and conversely have an extensive gaming history, but have careers and families and at the end of the day just wants to have *fun* with what free time we have. I go through phases where I play hours a day on the Wii on a regular basis, and phases where I'm busy with other things and don't touch the Wii for a week or more.

Then there's my game library. When Endless Ocean shows up tomorrow (according to UPS anyway), that'll make 17 games I have for the Wii. I've got core games (SMG, Zelda TP, etc.), so-called casual games (like Brain Academy, Bust-a-Move Bash, Mercury Meltdown Revolution, etc.), sports games (my own favorite genre - Madden, Tiger, MLB Power Pros, etc.), and a good deal more 3rd party games than 1st. But I got both literally and figuratively sick of FPS games after too much Wolf 3D, Doom, and Quake (among others) back in the day, so that genre isn't even on my radar (even though I got Elebits for the kids). 'M' rated games don't impress me whatsoever unless the games are extremely well written, I just could NOT care less about games that aren't compelling when you get beyond the graphic violence/sex/language/etc. But I don't begrudge anyone else who does get off on that.

So in effect - sometimes I'm "hardcore," sometimes I'm "casual," and usually I'm somewhere in the middle. I like the Wii for what it offers both for myself and my family, and I can't be bothered to worry about what other people think of the games I like/don't like and how much I play or don't play. And I'm not any less of a gamer for it, and neither are the many others like me :)


Whow, this is exactly what I think. I had enough of FPS (still like survival horror) and for instance I don't plan to buy NMH, cause it's not the kind of game I like. I have a job, a rent to pay every month,a kid underway, so it's clear I don't play 6 hours a day. Guess this make one of those "non/ casual" gamers the Wii has brought to the gaming world. Yet every time I have a leisure moment or an oportunity I like to play a videogame. I've been playing games since NES and have had a console every gen (NES,SNES,64,GC,PS1,PS2,PS3,Wii and of course my PC, I just love old lucasarts adventures). So to me I'm more of a gamer that some of those kids that bash people for not liking what the majority likes. Everything that is outside their interests (FPS, online RPG,...) is "casual"(=bad) gaming. Well they're wrong.

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#61 Jazunn
Member since 2007 • 666 Posts

A hardcore game is a game that is determined by people who's drive in gaming is to play the as if it were somewhat real life. FPS are somewhat hardcore. People want to simulate the person shooting and getting shot. Mario is fun and we would all love to be jumping around in space but we don't take it with the seriousness and intent as that of as something like Call of Duty.WolfWatch

That makes no sense what so ever... Let's say some guy drops 40 hours a week playing puzzle games, is he not hardcore?

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#62 ag1052
Member since 2006 • 5725 Posts

[QUOTE="WolfWatch"]A hardcore game is a game that is determined by people who's drive in gaming is to play the as if it were somewhat real life. FPS are somewhat hardcore. People want to simulate the person shooting and getting shot. Mario is fun and we would all love to be jumping around in space but we don't take it with the seriousness and intent as that of as something like Call of Duty.Jazunn

That makes no sense what so ever... Let's say some guy drops 40 hours a week playing puzzle games, is he not hardcore?

exactly... lets say someone got all the fish, bugs, and paintings in Animal Crossing DS...that would for sure be hardcore.
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#63 Jaysonguy
Member since 2006 • 39454 Posts

A hardcore game is a game that is determined by people who's drive in gaming is to play the as if it were somewhat real life. FPS are somewhat hardcore. People want to simulate the person shooting and getting shot. Mario is fun and we would all love to be jumping around in space but we don't take it with the seriousness and intent as that of as something like Call of Duty.WolfWatch

That is the worst definition of hardcore I've ever seen in my life.

Do you want to at least expand on it a bit to make it sound better or are we going with this and let the chips fall where they may?

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#64 bob_newman
Member since 2006 • 8133 Posts

[QUOTE="WolfWatch"]A hardcore game is a game that is determined by people who's drive in gaming is to play the as if it were somewhat real life. FPS are somewhat hardcore. People want to simulate the person shooting and getting shot. Mario is fun and we would all love to be jumping around in space but we don't take it with the seriousness and intent as that of as something like Call of Duty.Jaysonguy

That is the worst definition of hardcore I've ever seen in my life.

Do you want to at least expand on it a bit to make it sound better or are we going with this and let the chips fall where they may?

Personally, I never want to get shot. That's just me, though. Some people are into that.

Hey, maybe if you get shot you can finally start up that rap career you've always wanted.

...or, you'll just die. But I guess there's only one way to find out!

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#65 -kazoku-
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts
How many racing sims does Wii have? I don't mean to be naive, I just keep reading comments about how Wii has games for everyone. If that's the case, where are the racing sims? If they do exist (these games for everyone, presumably from 'every' category) it's probably safe to say that in most categories they aren't of the same calibur as they can be found on another platform, which is disappointing.
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#66 Mercenary848
Member since 2007 • 12143 Posts
I just hope we can get more great games out of the wii.
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#67 WolfWatch
Member since 2007 • 882 Posts

[QUOTE="WolfWatch"]A hardcore game is a game that is determined by people who's drive in gaming is to play the as if it were somewhat real life. FPS are somewhat hardcore. People want to simulate the person shooting and getting shot. Mario is fun and we would all love to be jumping around in space but we don't take it with the seriousness and intent as that of as something like Call of Duty.bob_newman

That is the worst definition of hardcore I've ever seen in my life.

Do you want to at least expand on it a bit to make it sound better or are we going with this and let the chips fall where they may?

Personally, I never want to get shot. That's just me, though. Some people are into that.

Hey, maybe if you get shot you can finally start up that rap career you've always wanted.

...or, you'll just die. But I guess there's only one way to find out!

meh im to lazy to expand on it. lets just keep it the worst definition.

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#68 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts
TS I agree that most of the gamers on wii are hardcore and my proof is in the high selling games on Wii but can we have a link to your 90+%. Cause that would radically alter the future of wii and what comes out.
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#69 Cheazie
Member since 2008 • 447 Posts

Nintendo Console always get branded with some insane comments. Sony branded Nintendo kiddified but then had awesome games on the PS1 and PS2 of Noddy and Teletubbies! That was just ironic in my opinion!

My friend says the same thing "The Wii isnt a console its a toy" but then plays Sonic and Mario at the Olympics for 9 hours straight with me and then we go on a Resident Evil:UC Marathon! Dont take notice of these people as most the time the people who try to use slander about the Wii are the people who are envious of us that we own one.

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#70 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

Nintendo Console always get branded with some insane comments. Sony branded Nintendo kiddified but then had awesome games on the PS1 and PS2 of Noddy and Teletubbies! That was just ironic in my opinion!

My friend says the same thing "The Wii isnt a console its a toy" but then plays Sonic and Mario at the Olympics for 9 hours straight with me and then we go on a Resident Evil:UC Marathon! Dont take notice of these people as most the time the people who try to use slander about the Wii are the people who are envious of us that we own one.


I think they wii is the single most misunderstood console. Its riddled with misconceptions.

BTW TS this whole thread loses substance if we cant see a link.

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#71 presto7640
Member since 2004 • 817 Posts

I have to grit my teeth every time I see an argument using the words 'casual' or 'hardcore'. Everyone defines them differently, so they have absolutely no meaning whatsoever. To me, they're just ambiguous buzz words used by anti-Wii fanboys who want to make Nintendo look childish.

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#72 helium_flash
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Hm... if that were true then why do hardcore games sell like crap while these party games sell extremely well?
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#73 raahsnavj
Member since 2005 • 4895 Posts
I think some definitions are in order: Definitions - I put three references in here for good measure. Definitions brought to you by: www.allwords.com, WordWeb Online, and The Free Dictionary.


  1. Having an extreme dedication to a certain activity; diehard.
  2. Intensely loyal;
  3. Extremely explicit;
  4. Stubbornly resistant to change or improvement;
  5. The most dedicated and intensely loyal nucleus of a group or movement.
Examples of the use of 'Hardcore':
  1. The Zelda: The Ocarina Of Time 3 heart challenge requires a hardcore Zelda gamer to complete.
  2. If I played WiiPlay like THIS I would have to be pretty hardcore about it.
  3. This gamer is definitely a hardcore Tetris player.
  4. Kane and Lynch is a hardcore game due to its explicit language content.


  1. Happening or coming to pass without design; Offhand
  2. Without being foreseen or expected
  3. Accidental
  4. Fortuitous; coming by chance
  5. Coming without regularity; occasional or incidental; Occurring at irregular or infrequent intervals.
  6. Marked by blithe unconcern
  7. Appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions; relaxed; informal
  8. Hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough;, not showing effort or strain; superficial;
Ways you could use 'casual' to describe the Wii:
  1. Many 3rd party games for the Wii are rather casual because of their poor quality.
  2. Industry specialists think the Wii casually came to market and sold 20M systems (completely unexpected), but Nintendo believes sales hardly came by accident.
  3. The Wii is selling so fast that consumers are hardly casual about purchasing one. (people are definately looking and expecting to find one, but can't)
I think the most appropriate definition though used for casual is to describe the players. Which would mean you don't play it a lot or at irregular intervals. And when 'casual' is applied to gaming it is an attitude, not a genre just as hardcore hardly defines a genre or type of game other than maybe being an 'explicit' game. There is a more in depth look into this on my blog.
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#74 WylFret
Member since 2007 • 428 Posts

My friend says the same thing "The Wii isnt a console its a toy" but then plays Sonic and Mario at the Olympics for 9 hours straight with me and then we go on a Resident Evil:UC Marathon! Dont take notice of these people as most the time the people who try to use slander about the Wii are the people who are envious of us that we own one.


The Wii *is* a toy, and so is every other gaming console. It may be a relatively expensive toy, but it is still just something you play with. I know the word "toy" gets thrown out to imply "cheap" or "kiddie," but anyone who thinks any one gaming console is more or less of a toy than another is just deluding themselves.

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#75 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts
is there proof to this huge statement of 90% or not?
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#76 wooooode
Member since 2002 • 16666 Posts

Well 90% of Wii owners probely are not true gamers. In Japan it is selling like the DS to a vast demographic. In the US it is selling to more of the true gaming community.

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#77 icarus212001
Member since 2007 • 2744 Posts

great post as usualy, dude.

I just wanna say one simple thing: everyone should just SHUT UP AND PLAY WII! If more people did that, this subject matter wouldn't...well, matter!

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#78 bob_newman
Member since 2006 • 8133 Posts

is there proof to this huge statement of 90% or not?Cyber-

Here's a study from March 2007 that states that 70% of Wii owners are considered "hardcore", while only 10% of Wii owners are 50 or older:

According to a study conducted for IDG Entertainment by the Boston Research Group in March of this year, the Wii appears to be attracting the core gamer in great numbers--the majority (70%) of Wii owners fall within range, age-wise, of the devoted (hardcore) gamer (ages 13 to 24). Half of those are between 13 and 17. The next largest segment (17%) of Wii owners consists of 18- to 25-year-olds.

But only 12% of the Wii people are between 35 and 50. By comparison, 14% of PS3 owners and 11% of Xbox 360 owners are over 35. But more people over 50 own Wiis than own competing systems--about 10% of Wii owners are 50 or older, whereas only 5% of PS3 owners and 3% of Xbox owners fall in that age range.

I don't know if that is what Jayson was talking about, but he said that he lost his bookmarks and doesn't have the link anymore. This was all I could find on the subject, really, so the study that Jayson is referring to is either this one, or really hard to find.

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#79 -kazoku-
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

Wait. Does this mean that hardcore gamers are to blame for Data Design Interactive's bonafide crapfest selling out? Probably not. The developers' continued and concerted effort to reach a crowd studies say didn't purchase the majority of Wiis on the market is what leads to those results. What is even more embarassing, though, that if these studies are to be believed, is that roughly 30% of Wii owners are outperforming the other 70% of hardcore Wii owners when it comes to third party sales. It would be great if they were snatching up copies of Zak and Wiki but they aren't, which leads to astronomical sales, and subsequent market saturation, of shovelware.

Hope you guys understood that.

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#80 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

I think those simple games like Wii play and My sims are bing snathced up by hardcore gamers on a large scale. There simply is no other explanation.

There is no reason for third parties to sell on wii except for bad marketing and the bad trend of wii gamers only buying nintendo games.

BTW thnx for the link that is very intriguing.

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#81 -kazoku-
Member since 2004 • 116 Posts

I think those simple games like Wii play and My sims are bing snathced up by hardcore gamers on a large scale. There simply is no other explanation.

There is no reason for third parties to sell on wii except for bad marketing and the bad trend of wii gamers only buying nintendo games.

BTW thnx for the link that is very intriguing.


If that's the case, we should round up those people and shoot them. (For legal purposes, YES I'm kidding!) I would hate to think that hardcore gamers are buying those games.

Anyway, no problem.

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#82 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

I think those simple games like Wii play and My sims are bing snathced up by hardcore gamers on a large scale. There simply is no other explanation.

There is no reason for third parties to sell on wii except for bad marketing and the bad trend of wii gamers only buying nintendo games.

BTW thnx for the link that is very intriguing.


If that's the case, we should round up those people and shoot them. (For legal purposes, YES I'm kidding!) I would hate to think that hardcore gamers are buying those games.

Anyway, no problem.

Third party sales are not as bad as what 360 fans say they are but they still should be doing alot better. On the other hand its simply not going to sell if only the people from the five sites the exstensively covered the game bbought it.

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#83 vivi2000
Member since 2004 • 212 Posts

I think those simple games like Wii play and My sims are bing snathced up by hardcore gamers on a large scale. There simply is no other explanation.

There is no reason for third parties to sell on wii except for bad marketing and the bad trend of wii gamers only buying nintendo games.

BTW thnx for the link that is very intriguing.


If that's the case, we should round up those people and shoot them. (For legal purposes, YES I'm kidding!) I would hate to think that hardcore gamers are buying those games.

Anyway, no problem.

A lot of people buy wiiplay because of the wiimote that comes with it not because they thin wiiplay is a great game. It's like buying another wiimote but you get a free game with it.

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#84 raahsnavj
Member since 2005 • 4895 Posts

I think those simple games like Wii play and My sims are bing snathced up by hardcore gamers on a large scale. There simply is no other explanation.

There is no reason for third parties to sell on wii except for bad marketing and the bad trend of wii gamers only buying nintendo games.

BTW thnx for the link that is very intriguing.


If that's the case, we should round up those people and shoot them. (For legal purposes, YES I'm kidding!) I would hate to think that hardcore gamers are buying those games.

Anyway, no problem.

A lot of people buy wiiplay because of the wiimote that comes with it not because they thin wiiplay is a great game. It's like buying another wiimote but you get a free game with it.

Another thing to add is the more I read the forums and blogs around here the more I see gamers purchase these games (Mario Party 8 and such) for their non-gamer siblings and parents. They think it is what the below average gamer would like and as such continue the success of their sales while slamming the thought of buying them in the forums. Hypocrisy I say.
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#85 lenson
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I've came to the conclusion that by the term 'casuals' many people use it really means #1:'people that don't like FPS, gore, or 'M' rated games only' or the definition #2:'someone that doesn't buy 12+ games a year (at least one a month)'. Which if these are the definitions, then I'm a casual in #1 - I'm pretty bored of FPS right now, gore is more or less a useless attempt to hide crappy games behind killing stuff and watching it explore well, and 'M' rated usually (NOTE I used usually) means it is ladden with stuff unnecessary for the game. But not casual as #2. In less than 10 months I have bought 14 games (not including VC games) specifically to play on the Wii, + enough hardware to support 4 players with everything, GC controllers, nunchucks, etc. Now that the hardware is bought that money can go to games, so I plan on buying more this year than last. The one thing that I think has been proved is anyone that uses the term hardcore, casual, or the likes rather than defining what they really mean are lazy, really lazy. And their opinions are probably as pointless as their inability to communicate. As such I let it roll off my back. I buy and play what I want and try to share that goodness with those that I think each game will appeal to. raahsnavj

I am exactly the same way. People try and label me a casual gamer just because I prefer games like Myst to that of GTA or God of war.

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#86 JordanElek
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Another thing to add is the more I read the forums and blogs around here the more I see gamers purchase these games (Mario Party 8 and such) for their non-gamer siblings and parents. They think it is what the below average gamer would like and as such continue the success of their sales while slamming the thought of buying them in the forums. Hypocrisy I say.raahsnavj

I honestly don't see why everyone says Mario Party 8 is such a terrible game. It's a fun party game. Every time I've played it with three other people, we have a blast. I'd buy it for someone who owns a Wii and also has friends over regularly. It doesn't matter if he's a casual, avid, or hardcore gamer - the game can be very fun with the right people in the right setting. And it's a lot better than some of the other trash party games on the Wii.

I know you were just using Mario Party 8 as an example, and I understand your general point. But I wanted to abate all the hate on MP8, mate.

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#87 bob_newman
Member since 2006 • 8133 Posts

[QUOTE="raahsnavj"]Another thing to add is the more I read the forums and blogs around here the more I see gamers purchase these games (Mario Party 8 and such) for their non-gamer siblings and parents. They think it is what the below average gamer would like and as such continue the success of their sales while slamming the thought of buying them in the forums. Hypocrisy I say.JordanElek

I honestly don't see why everyone says Mario Party 8 is such a terrible game. It's a fun party game. Every time I've played it with three other people, we have a blast. I'd buy it for someone who owns a Wii and also has friends over regularly. It doesn't matter if he's a casual, avid, or hardcore gamer - the game can be very fun with the right people in the right setting. And it's a lot better than some of the other trash party games on the Wii.

I know you were just using Mario Party 8 as an example, and I understand your general point. But I wanted to abate all the hate on MP8, mate.

It makes a great drinking game. :D

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#88 Cyber-
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[QUOTE="raahsnavj"]Another thing to add is the more I read the forums and blogs around here the more I see gamers purchase these games (Mario Party 8 and such) for their non-gamer siblings and parents. They think it is what the below average gamer would like and as such continue the success of their sales while slamming the thought of buying them in the forums. Hypocrisy I say.JordanElek

I honestly don't see why everyone says Mario Party 8 is such a terrible game. It's a fun party game. Every time I've played it with three other people, we have a blast. I'd buy it for someone who owns a Wii and also has friends over regularly. It doesn't matter if he's a casual, avid, or hardcore gamer - the game can be very fun with the right people in the right setting. And it's a lot better than some of the other trash party games on the Wii.

I know you were just using Mario Party 8 as an example, and I understand your general point. But I wanted to abate all the hate on MP8, mate.

Well for the elites its kinda like the love to hate game. I dont like the fact that such a game sells so damn well. The game is the same as the last 4. Its like Madden in that respect.

I think its the best party game out ther ebut thats not saying much. ALso its lame that they did not make this one online because I actually would have bought it.

Also I I dont think people realise how many hardcores buy this game.

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#89 lenson
Member since 2006 • 2531 Posts

[QUOTE="raahsnavj"]Another thing to add is the more I read the forums and blogs around here the more I see gamers purchase these games (Mario Party 8 and such) for their non-gamer siblings and parents. They think it is what the below average gamer would like and as such continue the success of their sales while slamming the thought of buying them in the forums. Hypocrisy I say.JordanElek

I honestly don't see why everyone says Mario Party 8 is such a terrible game. It's a fun party game. Every time I've played it with three other people, we have a blast. I'd buy it for someone who owns a Wii and also has friends over regularly. It doesn't matter if he's a casual, avid, or hardcore gamer - the game can be very fun with the right people in the right setting. And it's a lot better than some of the other trash party games on the Wii.

I know you were just using Mario Party 8 as an example, and I understand your general point. But I wanted to abate all the hate on MP8, mate.

Its not really a bad game actually. I think the complaint stems from the fact that mario party 8 follows the same systematic formula as all of its predecessors.A "copy and paste" sequal as it is called. Which of course would only mean anything to those people who played the others. Anyone new to the series should try the game out. But I really this is no different then people complaining about Madden since it does the same thing.

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#90 lenson
Member since 2006 • 2531 Posts

[QUOTE="raahsnavj"]Another thing to add is the more I read the forums and blogs around here the more I see gamers purchase these games (Mario Party 8 and such) for their non-gamer siblings and parents. They think it is what the below average gamer would like and as such continue the success of their sales while slamming the thought of buying them in the forums. Hypocrisy I say.Cyber-

I honestly don't see why everyone says Mario Party 8 is such a terrible game. It's a fun party game. Every time I've played it with three other people, we have a blast. I'd buy it for someone who owns a Wii and also has friends over regularly. It doesn't matter if he's a casual, avid, or hardcore gamer - the game can be very fun with the right people in the right setting. And it's a lot better than some of the other trash party games on the Wii.

I know you were just using Mario Party 8 as an example, and I understand your general point. But I wanted to abate all the hate on MP8, mate.

Well for the elites its kinda like the love to hate game. I dont like the fact that such a game sells so damn well. The game is the same as the last 4. Its like Madden in that respect.

I think its the best party game out ther ebut thats not saying much. ALso its lame that they did not make this one online because I actually would have bought it.

Also I I dont think people realise how many hardcores buy this game.

Sorry for the double post, but it seems I didn't read your post before I posted mine so kudos for thinking the same thoughts as me :)

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#91 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts
Dves are seriously gonna need to face the facts. If you simplify multiplat games this 70%-90% hardcore gamers are going to reject it.