I don't understand why the Wii can't have a nice Pokemon! I mean, the DS has Diamond and Pearl, but all we get is that godawful Pokemon Battle Revolution? One other thing I always wondered about; why are the home console Pokemon games always stadium-type games? Why can't we have a regular Pokemon game, only for the Wii? You know, the kind of start-at-home, meet the professor for your starter, go though the game until you get to the elite-four style regular Pokemon game, only instead of for a handheld, it's for the Wii?
While I'm wishing, why can't that game have enhanced 3D graphics (especially during pokemon battles), since it IS on a much larger disk format (DVD instead of DS cartridge)? And perhaps a larger game world ... PLUS that game could "talk" to the DS much the way Battle Revolution did! I bet it'd sell pretty well; I'm pretty sure most Wii owners probably have a DS, and many DS owners probably have Pearl/Diamond. I'd buy it for sure!
I guess it's nostalgia; people have always been playing pokemon on the GameBoy handhelds forever, maybe Nintendo's just not come around to the idea of bringing that franchise to the home console fully. Who knows ... *shrugs* I can always dream though...
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