I think it's about time for Nintendo to completely overhaul Zelda and reinvent it from the ground up. I actually think they pretty much did all they can do with the current formula, so why not start over instead of rehashing the same stuff over and over? Anyway, I don't know how they could do this, but I do at least have a some suggestions. Here are some of the things which I think need to be addressed if Nintendo wants me to maintain interest in Zelda:
1) That annoying beeping sound when you are low on health: every time I play a new Zelda game I am shocked that they are still implementing this. Why can't it just beep a few times to alert you? Why must it beep until you find another heart? Sometimes it's 5 minutes before I find a heart, so I just have to listen to that annoying beeping. It's kind of like if your alarm clock went off but you couldn't turn it off for 5 minutes. Annoying as all hell and completely unnessesary.
2) Voice acting. Nintendo needs to join the 21st century and give the NPCs voices. I don't think this is as big a deal as some people make it out to be, but it's still annoying having to read what everyone says. The characters would have a lot more personality if they actually talked.
3) Wallet limitation. OK, why can I only hold so many rupees? What is the point of this? I'm sick of finding rupees and then realizing that my wallet is full so I can't pick them up. Just let me carry as many rupees as I want.
4) Speaking of rupees, how about giving us some good crap to buy. It feels like money is practically worthless in this game because there aren't too many good things to buy with it. I think you should be able to purchase new armor at least. Imagine being able to upgrade your armor several times throughout the game with money. You could start out with the green garb, but then upgrade to leather armor or something. Or maybe you could spend rupees on weapon upgrades. Just give me something worthwhile to spend the money on or don't put it in the game.
5) Combat. I really feel that combat is almost pointless in Zelda because the enemies are so easy. I mean, you generally just hit them a few times with your sword and they die. And since they just drop rupees or easy to find/buy items, there really isn't much incentive for fighting them. The combat should be quite a bit deeper and more fun. I'm not saying go all out and make it like Ninja Gaiden where the sole focus is on kicking ass, but it really should be expanded. And the enemies should put up more of a fight.
6) Harder bosses. The bosses are such pushovers in Zelda games. I don't want them to be extremely difficult, but it should take at least a few tries to beat them. As it is, I usually beat a new Zelda boss on the first try.
7) Music. Come on, Nintendo, how about hiring a live orchestra to do the music. Zelda actually has some pretty darn good music for a video game, so why not spend a few bucks and make it sound as good as possible? It would really add to the experience. Oh yeah, and record it in 5.1 surround if possible.
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