Hell yea. It's a really good thing to own them. Not only will you have hundreds of hours of fun, but Ruby/ Sapphire/ LG/ FR/ Emerald can connect to Diamond/ Pearl. With the cartridge in the GBA slot, and D/P in DS, you can transfer pokemon from the old versions, the GBA one's, to the DS games. Also, if the cartridge is inserted, some extra wild Pokemon are added on top of that. Plus, who wouldn't want to play online with their Groudon, Rayquaza or Mewtwo? ^.^
Isn't Firered just a remake of red version on GBA?
That's what I thought it was.
And does Diamond/Pearl version have new Pokemon that weren't avalible on Sapphire/Ruby?
That's where you're wrong. :P Why do you think Leafgreen came out and not something like Waterblue to compensate with Blue? Anywho...the gyms and stuff are the same but you can get a pokemon you can't get on the normal Red/Blue, Deox thingy..
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