To all the people who are saying I told you so or believe anything these game sites tell you--you know nothing! Go play the game for yourself and put their word to the test.
Bozon gripesabout framerate issues. I've experienced none! Also there are other members of these very forums who say the same thing! I have experienced no lag online or any bugs,but thoseissues areabundant in WaW and The Conduit--yet he puts the gameplay of those games ahead of Reflex?
Right now The Conduit and Reflex are the best FPS on the Wii. However I would give a slight edge to Reflex--I have both games and I can thoroughly assess without a bias. The Conduit has better graphics and online voice chat. However those are the only factors that The Conduit have over Reflex.
Reflex has better and bigger level design compared to the compacted and uninspired Conduit levels. The online multiplayer runs waaaaaay smoother than the Conduit's, and I've experienced hardly any hacks, glitches, and lag--which The Conduit, although still reliable, has more more of. I mean opponents who I shoot at do not disapper through walls, blink or vanish from the screen as I attack them in close combat. Those issues are in just about every Conduit online match I've played and this guy still puts The Conduit gameplay above Reflexes. People I am telling you unless you have played this game you need to take this review with a grain of salt. We're talking about a guy who can't wait to get back to MW2 and was annoyed that his MW2 time was interrupted for a review of a two year port. Yep...his mind was already in an annoyed place! Also, IGN hyped The Conduit as this year's definitive first person shooter and I mean they hyped it big time. Suddenly reflex is announced months after The Conduit and little is known about it...and it quitely took away way the strong points about the The Conduit save for the graphics and Wii Speak. Don't get me wrong I really like The Conduit and I hyped the crap out of that game too, so I have no problem accepting Reflex as the better game.
very good points.
i think everyone here could use some actual hands on with the game.
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