I think it's a good lineup. It doesn't have the one big mainstream Mario game that we can all wow over and anticipate etc, but there is a good selection of games in that lineup that I think would get between 7/10 and 9/10 in most reviews. It's slightly depressing to hear classic franchises like Pilotwings and even Street Fighter passed off as being 'awful'. Personally I'm getting Pilotwings, Nintendogs and a third game, probably SSF4 (already have it on PS3, but still tempted - especially if there are more mediocre online players such as myself). There are plenty of others I'd like to play if money weren't a constrant, like Monkey Ball, Steel Diver, Ridge Racer etc.
I think so many people are complaining because there isn't a mainstream triple A blockbuster style game in the lineup, no Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kid Icarus basically, with a flagship character. Personally the last great so-called AAA launch title I've seen is Super Mario 64 on N64, maybe Twilight Princess at a stretch, though personally I don't rave over Zelda as much as most. I like a wide range of games so for a launch it seems like a good range of games to me, much better than most launch lineups over the last 10 years or so at any rate.
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