It seems like Nintendo gamers never have enough games to satisfy them, which in part, is because there simply aren't enough. The other side of the argument is the lack of third party support, but Nintendo gamers don't seem to care about them anyway.
But here we are in the first week of March, and we know of only a handful of games releasing for the ps4 and the Xbox One --
**For the sake of this discussion, I'm talking about AAA, exclusive - 60$ that *should* release this year. I love indie titles and free-to-play like Blacklight, and I'm looking forward to Planetside 2, but not everybody shares that sentiment.**
ps4 -- Infamous Second Son, The Order 1886, and Drive Club.
Xbox One -- Kinect Sports, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, D4, and *possibly* Halo.
For the Wii U, the announced games are -- Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, Yarn Yoshi, Fire EmblemXShin Megami, Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2, and X.
Now, there's bound to be counters to this argument -- the key argument is that Nintendo *has* gone years abandoning their core audience, the Wii U's been out a year longer, lack of third party, not all games are for everybody, etc...
But the fact states that we're in the first week of March, and we know about about as many Wii U releases as we do Xbox One and ps4 combined, yet the general assumption is the Wii U has no games coming out, while people are still hopeful about the upcoming releases filling out for the Xbox One and the ps4.
While nobody seems to believe that more games will be announced at e3 for all three consoles, we still have a few months before big releases drop, some of them coming at the end of the year.
So, do gamers hold Nintendo to a different standard? Do we expect more from them than the other two console makers?
Is it simply because they don't have third parties to fill up their library? Or is Nintendo just not capable of keeping people happy?
**final note** -- opinions on the Wii U are plentiful. We've heard them all, already. Try and keep this to talking about only the amount/quality of releases, not graphics and online and all that, please...
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