I think so, NES, SNES, N64, and the cube all had much better library's and made me proud to be a Nintendo fan... Wii kinda failed me and I don't think Wii U will be redemption. Sucks buying entire consoles for Mario, Zelda, and Metroid.
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The Wii certainlly was not the worst console. And I personally believe the Wii U will be great too, I just hope NoA will localize more games.
I think it's so hard picking what the worst Nintendo home console is, assuming we're not counting Virtual Boy. I think it get's a lot of bad rep because of the horrible games and shovel-ware that were released on it and also because, by comparison, it's overall library doesn't compare well with the competition. But when you compare it to other Nintendo consoles, the library of games is probably favorite on the Wii (also in part because I can play GC games all day long on it) Sin & Punishment 2, Red Steel 2, Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, SUPER SMASH BRO. BRAAWL!!, and soooo many other niche exclusives were all games that I loved and blow away the library of the N64, SNES, and NES. So yeah, Wii, of course.I think so, NES, SNES, N64, and the cube all had much better library's and made me proud to be a Nintendo fan... Wii kinda failed me and I don't think Wii U will be redemption. Sucks buying entire consoles for Mario, Zelda, and Metroid.
More highly rated exclusives than the other two platforms, some of the highest rated games of all time, and far and away the most unique library that isn't full of fratboy bro-ski games. Best console I've had in ages tbh
Yes, it is Nintendo's worst system in my eyes. There are very few games that interest me and I mostly use my wii for playing VC games (which are from superior systems of the past).
Yeah I agree. Good games but the past consoles have been far better. The 360/Ps3 competition really hurt the Wii in terms of their game library in comparison.the Wii is the worst not counting the Virtual Boy but its has some good gems, so it's not bad.
It's not their worst, not in the slightest. I think it's the strongest console since the SNES. The N64 was their worst in terms of the amount of quality titles released over the life span, followed by the GameCube.HaziqonfireAgreed. Nintendo has supported the Wii more than any other console, and third parties have brought a ton of great unique games to it.
I think the Wii gets a bad rap for two reasons:
1) It has so many games that don't necessarily appeal to hardcore Nintendo fans. But those games don't change the quality of the other titles in the least.
2) It doesn't have many of the top quality games that the other consoles have, which is true, but the Wii also has a ton of top quality games that neither of the other consoles has.
In the end, it just depends on the type of experience you're looking for out of a console. Any console can have a huge number of awesome games, but if they don't really interest you, then you're not going to think that that console is awesome.
Indeed. There are some great titles on the Wii, but only a few have had any staying power with me. Metroid Prime Trilogy(even though the first two were Gamecube games), Twilight Princess(also, originally a Gamecube game), Zack and Wiki(it's unbelievable that this didn't get a sequel), and RE4. In terms of it's overall library, it really hasn't been impressive. Their focus on casuals, while understandable from a business standpoint, hurt them hard in this area.Yes, it is Nintendo's worst system in my eyes. There are very few games that interest me and I mostly use my wii for playing VC games (which are from superior systems of the past).
I think Gamecube is. the 64 had Goldeneye, Perfect dark, The wcw/wwf games by THQ, Zelda, a solid port of Resident evil 2, Pilotwings 64, SMB64. these are games I still miss playing. Gamecube......I have WWE Day of reckoning and Star Wars rouge leader......thats about as good as it ever got for me. The wii is a close second. Had mine since launch, only enjoyed Zelda, RE4, Metroid Trilogy, and Tiger woods 10 (and I traded the first 2 in 2 years ago). At least Wii got online gameplay, even if most of it blew.
i agree with you pixel i was always disappointed with the lack of rpgs and horror games on the 64The N64 is in my opinion.
GameCube is Nintendo's worst console. The Wii, at the very least, has that beat.
Wii has Super Mario Galaxy, the highest-rated Mario game and the second highest-rated Nintendo game of all time.
N64 had Ocarina of Time, the #1 highest-rated game of all time. Plus Super Mario 64 and other classics.
On the other hand, the best game on the GameCube is Metroid Prime. It's also host to the worst game in the main Mario series.
I'd say SNES and NES were really good while the past 3 were all pretty close to one another but can't touch those two
Not counting the VB, which I never owned, the Wii is by far the worst Nintendo console I have ever played. The Wii Remote was horribly gimmickly and didn't add anything of value to the games. In fact it just made them a much bigger pain to play because I have a Wireless sensor that takes four double A batteries. Plus the Wii Remote's batteries die way too often (maybe from collecting dust lol).
Aside from that, and what really counts, my favorite games on the GCN were either flat out terrible (Animal Crossing City Folk) or somewhat disappointing (Super Smash Bros. Brawl) on the Wii.
The Wii has a ported Zelda game that I consider to be a GCN game, two Mario platformers, and a Mario racing game and that's all I ever enjoyed on it. Those games couldn't keep me playing for too long. Sorry. The GCN was a much better console. No stupid gimmicks and the games were actually fun.
Not counting the VB, which I never owned, the Wii is by far the worst Nintendo console I have ever played. The Wii Remote was horribly gimmickly and didn't add anything of value to the games. In fact it just made them a much bigger pain to play because I have a Wireless sensor that takes four double A batteries. Plus the Wii Remote's batteries die way too often (maybe from collecting dust lol).
Aside from that, and what really counts, my favorite games on the GCN were either flat out terrible (Animal Crossing City Folk) or somewhat disappointing (Super Smash Bros. Brawl) on the Wii.
The Wii has a ported Zelda game that I consider to be a GCN game, two Mario platformers, and a Mario racing game and that's all I ever enjoyed on it. Those games couldn't keep me playing for too long. Sorry. The GCN was a much better console. No stupid gimmicks and the games were actually fun.
The word 'gimmick' is far too over used. Every console has a gimmick that sets it apart from another platform, whether it be the controller, a feature, an accessory or a disc medium. The Wii Remote had its place and made experiences better for some games like Metroid Prime 3, it worked well with games like Super Mario Galaxy which used it in moderation and it definitely didn't work for some games like Red Steel.
Beyond the titles you mentioned, the Wii had a lot of great exclusive content. It had more high quality titles that can only be found on that platform versus the others, whether it be Nintendo's first party titles or something completely different that what we've seen before like Red Steel 2, Trauma Team or more.I think it's far too easy to write off the Wii as a gimmick and a poor console simply because it lacks on multiplatform games. While a valid point, like Jordan mentioned before me, it had a lot of exclusive content that many gamers totally avoided.
I really don't understand where people get the whole "it has no games" thing or that "the games suck"... It's as if I'm playing an entirely different platform than others, but I'm positive I'm not...
How is it at all worse than the GameCube or N64? Its library has had the exact same quantity of amazing Nintendo exclusives and exhausting release droughts.meetroid8Actually the Wii has a lot more than the GC, the Wii has a number of the very best games this gen. The Gamecube was Nintendo's worst console, because the lack of support Nintendo showed it for extended periods of time. When games did come out, they were great, but it wasn't nearly often enough when that happened. The Wii had games as good or better than what the GC offered, at a far greater rate.
I would have to say the GameCube is the worst, even though it is still a great console.
It just didn't have as many games on it that intrested me as the rest of the consoles did.
If we include the Virtual Boy in this though there is no contest as to what the worst is.
SNES > NES > N64 > Wii > Gamecube
The gamecube was a failure because it was completely outclassed by Microsoft's debut console the Xbox and Sony's PS2 during that generation. Since Nintendo realized they can't simply rely on first party exclusive titles to carry their basic home consoles anymore against rival consoles with much more expansive game libraries, they decided to innovate and do something different with the gamecube successor the Wii. If Nintendo waited a little longer to develop the Wii to make it on-par with the power of the Xbox 360, it couldve arguably turned out to be the best video game console they ever made. But this experimental console turned out to be a decent success and definitely surpasses their bland previous console, the gamecube.
One: The Wii has the best Nintendo produced software ever overall.
Two: The Wii is the best system. It is correct opinion, the superior opinion. Your opinion is beyond wrong if it's Gamecube or Nintendo 64, and wrong with SNES and NES.
Three: What the crap...why hasn't this topic been locked yet? I am looking at this many angles, and I still am under the (correct) opinion that this topic should be locked for violation of multiple terms.
I've said it before, and i'll say it again.... I think that Nintendo wasn't in the finacial position to make a high end system, and they played it off very nicely by pretending like they "weren't in direct competition anymore" and were "battling all entertainment in general". I don't think developers were excited to work on Wii as much as 360 and PS3. I feel a lot of 3rd party "hardcore" developers just did the deed because the system wound up being so successful, they figured "why not make some money".
Granted, Wii actually did have a good bunch of great games! I think if anything ruined even those games, it was the lack of option to play with a normal controller, and there were a lot of "game saving" issues, such as: Most games that were able to use Wi-Fi, the save files for those games were not able to be transfered over. It was the lack of power, and little things as I mensioned that made a lot of developers not take the Wii serioesly.
A lot of people believe Nintendo sold out, but like I said, I believe they just weren't in the financial position to make a powerful, expensive system. Think about it, before Wii launched, people were worried that Nintendo would have to go third party! But they cleverly turned that around and did something that struck a cord. Something that they never realized was going to be as big as it was. Thats why there were so many Wii shortages when it first came out. Even Nintendo wasn't expecting the crazyness that happened.
So in short now, to answer the question.. well first of all Virtual Boy was their worst system ever! lol BUuuuut, I think we know what we're really comparing here, the systems that count. (All but Virtual Boy. Ha) so, from a money wise answer, Wii was their BEST system ever! Feel good wise, and even though the Wii felt great, yea, I think it lacked a lot of funding that would have made long time gamers feel the way they should have.
And now that they have a BA-JILLION dollars again, their ressuming the Nintendo awesomness with Wii U! ;)
Doubt it...... But as for the Wii, it's the worst...console...ever.....No wonder its the #1 casual device ever invented.The N64 is in my opinion.
Not counting the VB, which I never owned, the Wii is by far the worst Nintendo console I have ever played. The Wii Remote was horribly gimmickly and didn't add anything of value to the games. In fact it just made them a much bigger pain to play because I have a Wireless sensor that takes four double A batteries. Plus the Wii Remote's batteries die way too often (maybe from collecting dust lol).
Aside from that, and what really counts, my favorite games on the GCN were either flat out terrible (Animal Crossing City Folk) or somewhat disappointing (Super Smash Bros. Brawl) on the Wii.
The Wii has a ported Zelda game that I consider to be a GCN game, two Mario platformers, and a Mario racing game and that's all I ever enjoyed on it. Those games couldn't keep me playing for too long. Sorry. The GCN was a much better console. No stupid gimmicks and the games were actually fun.
The word 'gimmick' is far too over used. Every console has a gimmick that sets it apart from another platform, whether it be the controller, a feature, an accessory or a disc medium. The Wii Remote had its place and made experiences better for some games like Metroid Prime 3, it worked well with games like Super Mario Galaxy which used it in moderation and it definitely didn't work for some games like Red Steel.
Beyond the titles you mentioned, the Wii had a lot of great exclusive content. It had more high quality titles that can only be found on that platform versus the others, whether it be Nintendo's first party titles or something completely different that what we've seen before like Red Steel 2, Trauma Team or more.I think it's far too easy to write off the Wii as a gimmick and a poor console simply because it lacks on multiplatform games. While a valid point, like Jordan mentioned before me, it had a lot of exclusive content that many gamers totally avoided.
I really don't understand where people get the whole "it has no games" thing or that "the games suck"... It's as if I'm playing an entirely different platform than others, but I'm positive I'm not...
Nobody avoided them, but they just weren't that fantastic. There were games like the Conduit and Red Steel that tried to do what the games on the PS3 and 360 did, but just did it much worse, and there were the Nintendo exclusives, which are always great. If you like party games, then the Wii is great, but other then that it's hard to deny it's a poor system. Hell, you could very very easily make a case that 4 of the top 10 games were PS2 and Gamecube ports with almost no change, when everyone was disatisfied with similar money grabs on the Gamecube like the Resident evil 2 and 3 ports
Doubt it...... But as for the Wii, it's the worst...console...ever.....No wonder its the #1 casual device ever invented.[QUOTE="Pixel-Perfect"]
The N64 is in my opinion.
So basically what you're saying is that my opinion is wrong?! :cry:
SNES>N64>Wii>Gamecube. What the Wii lacks in high profile blockbusters and multiplats it more than makes up for it in niche, quirky games and quality first party titles.
Doubt it...... But as for the Wii, it's the worst...console...ever.....No wonder its the #1 casual device ever invented.[QUOTE="Pixel-Perfect"]
The N64 is in my opinion.
This link has a lot of profanity but, if you think the Wii is the worst console ever, you should watch it.
Nobody avoided them, but they just weren't that fantastic. There were games like the Conduit and Red Steel that tried to do what the games on the PS3 and 360 did, but just did it much worse, and there were the Nintendo exclusives, which are always great. If you like party games, then the Wii is great, but other then that it's hard to deny it's a poor system. Hell, you could very very easily make a case that 4 of the top 10 games were PS2 and Gamecube ports with almost no change, when everyone was disatisfied with similar money grabs on the Gamecube like the Resident evil 2 and 3 ports
Most of the best games from third parties aren't PS2 or GC ports though. Little King's Story, Muramasa, Monster Hunter 3, Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes 1 and 2, Boom Blox, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, etc.
The only way I can see anyone thinking the Wii was a poor system is saying that it lacked multiplats, which is true ... but for what it lacked it made up with exclusive content not found on other platforms.
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