Uh of course I'm comparing them, because the big market games that are now multiplat and not coming to the Wii, were exclusives on the PS2 that obviously didn't end up on the Gamecube. Your the one who brought these games up, so of course I'm talking about them. And in case you didn't notice, I made mention of those games like Spider-Man and such, those are the second tier multiplat games, that the Wii also sees, things like Spider-Man, De Blob, Ultimate Alliance etc. And I think most would agree that Nintendo definitely, without question, supported the Wii more with 1st and 2nd party games than the cube and N64 DKCR, 2 Kirby games, 2 extra Mario Games, Super Paper Mario, Excite series, Punchout, Wario Land, need I go on? Its a no contest, I just ignored the standard games like the one Mario, Zelda, etc. This was the extra stuff that, the other two didn't get. I don't know how you can deny this.
You're comparing PS2 exclusives to multiplats though, and it just doesn't make sense.
And saying that the Wii got more 1st and 2nd party support then the N64 is just biased. Banjoo tooie, Kazooi, Conker, DK64, Majora's Mask, Ocarina, Mario 64, Blast Corps, Harvest moon, Jet Force Gemini, Mario Kart 64, Smash Brothers, 1080, excite bike, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, and I'm sure I forgot quite a few. Wii's list of 1st and 2nd party exclusives of the same quality of those, really just doesn't stack up, especially if you consider the quality of them. The cube got fewer 2nd party games because of the loss of rare, but nearly made it for it with better 3rd party support. The Wii has gotten both mediocre 1st and 3rd party support compared to the GC and N64, and there really isn't a debate against it. People are hailing games like No More Heroes, as one of the top games on the system. Doesn't that really say a lot about the quality of games the console is pushing out?
As flawed as No More Heroes was, it was at least fun, which is more than I can personally say for all the N64 games you just name-dropped. I've already listed quite a few AAA exclusives in this thread so I don't feel the need to do so again.Too bad opinions can't be 'wrong', but this goes a long way.... factually even....
How can you say you didn't enjoy the games he mentioned in his list (which can be expanded btw) if you ARE enjoying those few similar titles on the Wii which expanded on them.....???
Smash Bros -> Melee -> Brawl
Mario Kart 64 -> Double Dash -> Kart Wii
Mario 64/DK 64/ Banjo-> Sunshine -> Galaxy
Ocarina/Majora -> Wind Waker/TP -> no original one yet
Paper Mario -> PM 1000 year door -> Super PM
Considering the more-than-a-decade of technology difference the N64 beats the Wii easily and the GC does a great job as well.
The N64 blew our minds with the introduction of our favorite franchises in 3D. An they were great. It also offered stellar support by Rare. 3rd party was bad..yes that's true but the top tier games were pure gems.
The GC gave birth to a wide variety of 1st party titles and surprised us with Metroid, Pikmin and some 3rd party titles like RE and RE4. And Fire Emblem finally reached us Western Gamers!!!! 3rd party support was better than the N64's, but it still sucked...yes
The Wii didn't give us any surprise titles apart from Wii Music and Wii Sports Resort...?! Yes, some of the 1st party titles were good, but if you actually grew up with all the previous consoles, the 'wow'-factor was/is severely lacking. We're still waiting for the original Zelda game. Where's Star Fox? Where's a 1st party game like Pikmin? Where are third-party gems like RE4 (besides the port)? Is the 3rd party support really better than that of the N64 and GC? I don't think it's any better than the GC tbh....
Wii is the worst console hands-down... not that it is a BAD console..it's just the worst if you compare it to the others.
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