So Kid Icarus is back with a vengeance. Personally I think this will be an interesting game. With the details yet to be released still, it should be interesting if solely for the fact that this series has been buried under rubble for 20+ years. What will we see? Well, there's no telling. There was that long period between Super Metroid and Metroid Prime- boom, the series changed from free roaming 2d to first person shooter status.
What I believe
Kid Icarus Mirror of Palutena will be a platforming game with weapons, pickups, etc. There will be lots of obstacles/jumping and use of the weapons may be like a poor man's Ratchet and Clank (simple weapons, of course! bow+arrows, maybe a boomerang) and possibly... magic. Yeah. Why not? Pit is after all an angel. Use of the wiimote motion sensor could be easily utilized, if in attacking or in some sort of mini-game/puzzle. Whatever, the possibilities surely are endless. The story I expect should be epic, and the music i'm sure will be good. I did get a little bit giddy after seeing Pit's fresh design in Brawl.
So folks discuss MoP here, speculation, thoughts, etc.
Have fun keep it clean and remember,
He's Baaaack!
(Pit that is)
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