Which one did you guys enjoy more?
I personally enjoyed the Minish Cap more.
Phantom Hourlass had too many puzzles for my liking, but they got the Wind Waker feel on the DS which was awesome.
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I did feel weird liking Minish Cap than Phantom Hourglass. Guess I'm not the only one.
I didn't like how PH had you going to the temple many times. I think if another Zelda game was made, they should make it like Minish Cap in terms of graphics, and more places to go to than PH.
though I really got into PH's wifiDJ-LafleurHas it gotten better lately? Last time i tried to play all everyone I was matched up against was either a quitter or only chose the smallest stage and did the same thing over and over, making it get very annoying.
I really like phantom hourglass but minish cap is probably my favourite game of all time, when I have a bad day at work or the Missus is being a pain, I throw it in the DS and play, it makes me feel good on a bad day, alcoholics have booze, I have zelda. Thats my life. Oh god.
So, would I rather have A Link To The Past with a better storyline, cool gadgets and gizmos, and nostalgic gameplay or Wind Waker with touchscreen controls?
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