I know the Wii has an awesome lineup of games on the way but let's get real for a second, honestly, how many of those awesome games do you actually think are going to release outside of Japan? I'm not getting my hopes up for too many especially from the likes of games like Sin & Punishment 2, Dynamic Slash, Spyborgs, Ougon no Kizuna/Golden Bonds, Battle Rage: Robot Wars, The Kore Gang, Monster Hunter 3, Arc Rise Fantasia, Bleach Versus Crusade and Cosmic Walker just to name a few. While those games do look awesome from the screenshots and video's, whats the likelihood of them actually coming out outside of Japan? I mean this same thing has been happening for years. Someone will find an awesome looking game and mention it in a thread and get everyone hyped up only to find out that it will never release outside of Japan and then everyone gets disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I hope that we get all those games but I'm just being realistic based on past experiences with numerous consoles. Most of the cool games, we in the US, EU, AU etc will more than likely never play these games unless we import or live in Japan. I'm not hyping myself up based on threads about upcoming games unless they've been confirmed for outer Japan release as well.
Pardon my mistake if they have all been confirmed for a Outer Japan release.
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