Zelda skyward sword is being released for 2011. They released info obout it ( enemies, bosses, items, ect. ) at E3. What do you think about it, and what features do you hope to see in the game?
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Zelda skyward sword is being released for 2011. They released info obout it ( enemies, bosses, items, ect. ) at E3. What do you think about it, and what features do you hope to see in the game?
I like how bright and colorful the graphics are. The controls look to be really impressive as well. The added precision of Wii Motion Plus will make this Zelda game control more realistically than ever. This is easily my most anticipated game of 2011.
The only thing I'm worried about is using the nunchuk as a shield. The motion sensitivity on the nunchuk has been frustrating to use in previous games since it's not as advanced as even the regular wii remote. In Twilight Princess for example, I often ended up doing a spin attack when I wanted to hit someone with my shield, and vice versa. Since I won't be using the nunchuk for a spin attack anymore, this may make things better, but it may also mean nothing will happen at all if I try to defend myself at a crucial moment. I have no doubts that the motion plus will work great for everything else, but I'm skeptical about using the nunchuk for motion controls.
miyamoto made it sound like you'd use the nunchuk as a second motion+, but it's not. shake it to raise the shield, shake for shield bash, shake while slashing for spin attack.The only thing I'm worried about is using the nunchuk as a shield. The motion sensitivity on the nunchuk has been frustrating to use in previous games since it's not as advanced as even the regular wii remote. In Twilight Princess for example, I often ended up doing a spin attack when I wanted to hit someone with my shield, and vice versa. Since I won't be using the nunchuk for a spin attack anymore, this may make things better, but it may also mean nothing will happen at all if I try to defend myself at a crucial moment. I have no doubts that the motion plus will work great for everything else, but I'm skeptical about using the nunchuk for motion controls.
[QUOTE="Tropictrain"]miyamoto made it sound like you'd use the nunchuk as a second motion+, but it's not. shake it to raise the shield, shake for shield bash, shake while slashing for spin attack.The only thing I'm worried about is using the nunchuk as a shield. The motion sensitivity on the nunchuk has been frustrating to use in previous games since it's not as advanced as even the regular wii remote. In Twilight Princess for example, I often ended up doing a spin attack when I wanted to hit someone with my shield, and vice versa. Since I won't be using the nunchuk for a spin attack anymore, this may make things better, but it may also mean nothing will happen at all if I try to defend myself at a crucial moment. I have no doubts that the motion plus will work great for everything else, but I'm skeptical about using the nunchuk for motion controls.
Then how do you put the shield down? I hope it's not using the nunchuk. Because if so, I anticipate doing that when attempting a shield bash, or vice versia. And shake while slashing for a spin attack? I don't like that idea. If I'm moving around a lot and getting really into the sword fighting, I'm likely to move the nunchuk accidentally, causing a spin attack. The nunchuk just isn't advanced enough. They need to release a nunchuk motion plus, then it would make a great shield. It was hardly used in Twilight Princess and it caused problems. With it being used even more here, I'm expecting some problems. But I hope I'm proven wrong.
miyamoto made it sound like you'd use the nunchuk as a second motion+, but it's not. shake it to raise the shield, shake for shield bash, shake while slashing for spin attack.[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"][QUOTE="Tropictrain"]
The only thing I'm worried about is using the nunchuk as a shield. The motion sensitivity on the nunchuk has been frustrating to use in previous games since it's not as advanced as even the regular wii remote. In Twilight Princess for example, I often ended up doing a spin attack when I wanted to hit someone with my shield, and vice versa. Since I won't be using the nunchuk for a spin attack anymore, this may make things better, but it may also mean nothing will happen at all if I try to defend myself at a crucial moment. I have no doubts that the motion plus will work great for everything else, but I'm skeptical about using the nunchuk for motion controls.
Then how do you put the shield down? I hope it's not using the nunchuk. Because if so, I anticipate doing that when attempting a shield bash, or vice versia. And shake while slashing for a spin attack? I don't like that idea. If I'm moving around a lot and getting really into the sword fighting, I'm likely to move the nunchuk accidentally, causing a spin attack. The nunchuk just isn't advanced enough. They need to release a nunchuk motion plus, then it would make a great shield. It was hardly used in Twilight Princess and it caused problems. With it being used even more here, I'm expecting some problems. But I hope I'm proven wrong.
it's kinda like in TP, where you put the shield down automatically to slash. don't worry, it works fine.[QUOTE="Tropictrain"][QUOTE="BrunoBRS"] miyamoto made it sound like you'd use the nunchuk as a second motion+, but it's not. shake it to raise the shield, shake for shield bash, shake while slashing for spin attack.BrunoBRS
Then how do you put the shield down? I hope it's not using the nunchuk. Because if so, I anticipate doing that when attempting a shield bash, or vice versia. And shake while slashing for a spin attack? I don't like that idea. If I'm moving around a lot and getting really into the sword fighting, I'm likely to move the nunchuk accidentally, causing a spin attack. The nunchuk just isn't advanced enough. They need to release a nunchuk motion plus, then it would make a great shield. It was hardly used in Twilight Princess and it caused problems. With it being used even more here, I'm expecting some problems. But I hope I'm proven wrong.
it's kinda like in TP, where you put the shield down automatically to slash. don't worry, it works fine.Alright. For now, I'll take your word on it. :P I've been convincing myself that the problems in Twilight were due to the game originally being a Gamecube title. So far, I haven't noticed any nunchuk issues in first party Nintendo titles other than Twilight. Lots of issues with 3rd party titles though. So I'll have faith that Nintendo will make sure the contols work well this time. Even with my skepticism, this is still my most anticipated title. (And I own EVERY current gen console, including handhelds. lol) Nothing gets me more hyped than a Zelda title.
It looks great! The only small things I would change are the leaves on the trees, certain elements of the HUD that can be turned off (they said this in an interview or the round table so I'm sure this will happen), the stamina meter, and I didn't see a magic meter :( . So small personal things, but not huge things that can break the game. Can't wait till this comes out.
the item list will most likely be bigger than the one presented. the game itself is still on alpha/beta/whichever one can still have design changes. and that HUGE wiimote and nunchuk icons on the HUD were most likely just to make it easier for people trying it out.It looks great! The only small things I would change are the leaves on the trees, certain elements of the HUD that can be turned off (they said this in an interview or the round table so I'm sure this will happen), the stamina meter, and I didn't see a magic meter :( . So small personal things, but not huge things that can break the game. Can't wait till this comes out.
Well during the press conference they said there were still fixes that needed to happen before it is ready. The nunchuk usage makes me a little nervous but hopefully all the bugs will be worked out and the finished product will be the game we have been waiting for. We still have a ways to go.
I was kinda hoping the gc controller would be compadable, but thats out of the question.
Im also hoping to see some moblins, that would be cool, since the last game they were in was minish cap.
also an instrument would be nice
I wish it wasn't called "skyward sword" that's definately the least epic zelda title yet. Love the art design though, that alone has me the most stoked which may be weird since I HATED the toony WW, but this seems fresh.
swords > masks :PBrunoBRS
Oh I agree... UNLESS were talking about the fierce diety's mask... that thing is way sick. but skyward sword? Just sounds like a cheesy title to be slaped on a Zelda game where they usually have a nice ring to them. For example maybe something like Sword of Heavens? that just came into my mind while starting this post and I like it better while they hopefuly, maybe not, put some more time into it.
[QUOTE="knuckl3head"]swords > masks :P How did the difficulty level look to you?I wish it wasn't called "skyward sword" that's definately the least epic zelda title yet. Love the art design though, that alone has me the most stoked which may be weird since I HATED the toony WW, but this seems fresh.
[QUOTE="knuckl3head"]swords > masks :P How did the difficulty level look to you?I wish it wasn't called "skyward sword" that's definately the least epic zelda title yet. Love the art design though, that alone has me the most stoked which may be weird since I HATED the toony WW, but this seems fresh.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]swords > masks :Pknuckl3head
Oh I agree... UNLESS were talking about the fierce diety's mask... that thing is way sick. but skyward sword? Just sounds like a cheesy title to be slaped on a Zelda game where they usually have a nice ring to them. For example maybe something like Sword of Heavens? that just came into my mind while starting this post and I like it better while they hopefuly, maybe not, put some more time into it.
tually think the "dual S" (ssssssssssskyward sssssssword) sound nice. and come on, minish cap? WTF IS A MINISH? nd a cap of all things :P (BTW i know what a minish is... after playing the game)@kojo - not really sure why did you ask it, but majora's mask was pretty tough.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]swords > masks :PBrunoBRS
Oh I agree... UNLESS were talking about the fierce diety's mask... that thing is way sick. but skyward sword? Just sounds like a cheesy title to be slaped on a Zelda game where they usually have a nice ring to them. For example maybe something like Sword of Heavens? that just came into my mind while starting this post and I like it better while they hopefuly, maybe not, put some more time into it.
tually think the "dual S" (ssssssssssskyward sssssssword) sound nice. and come on, minish cap? WTF IS A MINISH? nd a cap of all things :P (BTW i know what a minish is... after playing the game)@kojo - not really sure why did you ask it, but majora's mask was pretty tough.
Yeah I don't think skyward sword is a bad name. they like the dual letters like that too I have noticed. MMMajoras MMMask, WWWind WWWaker, SSSkyward SSSword, TTTwilight TTTincess.....darn!
I'm pre-ordering it before it gets released. I so psyched for this game to come out.
I do kind of wish the enemies could be a little less cute like Wind Waker, but I think I'll enjoy the colourful, vibrant graphics for sure.
From what I can see it looks like you are able to obtain the master sword early on in the game. I'd consider that a plus.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]swords > masks :PBrunoBRS
Oh I agree... UNLESS were talking about the fierce diety's mask... that thing is way sick. but skyward sword? Just sounds like a cheesy title to be slaped on a Zelda game where they usually have a nice ring to them. For example maybe something like Sword of Heavens? that just came into my mind while starting this post and I like it better while they hopefuly, maybe not, put some more time into it.
tually think the "dual S" (ssssssssssskyward sssssssword) sound nice. and come on, minish cap? WTF IS A MINISH? nd a cap of all things :P (BTW i know what a minish is... after playing the game)@kojo - not really sure why did you ask it, but majora's mask was pretty tough.
lol I meant to ask what your first impressions of difficulty were on Skyward Sword.It looks beautiful, and if it weren't for Miyamoto's horrendously bad demo of it, I would certainly have been very impressed. Bless him.
I do mourn the fact that I will have to play it with a motion controller though. I played Twilight Princess on the GC before it came out on the Wii, and I enjoyed the GC version far more. Then again, I hope that Skyward Sword with soothe my scepticism about motion control in general. I'm very excited about the game, but not sure how much i'll really enjoy it.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]tually think the "dual S" (ssssssssssskyward sssssssword) sound nice. and come on, minish cap? WTF IS A MINISH? nd a cap of all things :P (BTW i know what a minish is... after playing the game)[QUOTE="knuckl3head"]
Oh I agree... UNLESS were talking about the fierce diety's mask... that thing is way sick. but skyward sword? Just sounds like a cheesy title to be slaped on a Zelda game where they usually have a nice ring to them. For example maybe something like Sword of Heavens? that just came into my mind while starting this post and I like it better while they hopefuly, maybe not, put some more time into it.
@kojo - not really sure why did you ask it, but majora's mask was pretty tough.
lol I meant to ask what your first impressions of difficulty were on Skyward Sword. the demo is mostly a "get a hang of the controls" thing. takes a while to get how you're supposed to swing the sword (random flailing and wrist swordfighting isn't good at all, you have to slash just as if you had a real sword in your hands if you want it to be accurate), but after that it's quite easy. the scorpion miniboss was tough, though. didn't get to kill him before the demo was over :cry:[QUOTE="username23bob"]"Will We Finally See A Zelda Game Better Than OO"T??" The wait begins =]BrunoBRS*cough*windwaker*cough* actually, replace wind waker with any zelda game after OoT. all better, IMO.
Really, are you saying that Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are better even? Haha, Windwaker & TP FTW!! :P
*cough*windwaker*cough* actually, replace wind waker with any zelda game after OoT. all better, IMO.[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"][QUOTE="username23bob"]"Will We Finally See A Zelda Game Better Than OO"T??" The wait begins =]DanDaRuff
Really, are you saying that Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are better even? Haha, Windwaker & TP FTW!! :P
well, not PH, and i wouldn't really compare with minish cap and spirit tracks, they're almost entirely different games. but yeah, i prefer minish cap over OoT.tually think the "dual S" (ssssssssssskyward sssssssword) sound nice. and come on, minish cap? WTF IS A MINISH? nd a cap of all things :P (BTW i know what a minish is... after playing the game)[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"]
Oh I agree... UNLESS were talking about the fierce diety's mask... that thing is way sick. but skyward sword? Just sounds like a cheesy title to be slaped on a Zelda game where they usually have a nice ring to them. For example maybe something like Sword of Heavens? that just came into my mind while starting this post and I like it better while they hopefuly, maybe not, put some more time into it.
@kojo - not really sure why did you ask it, but majora's mask was pretty tough.
Yeah I don't think skyward sword is a bad name. they like the dual letters like that too I have noticed. MMMajoras MMMask, WWWind WWWaker, SSSkyward SSSword, TTTwilight TTTincess.....darn!
It's called repetition. You learn it in English class. :P But you're right. Nintendo does have a knack for it. :PPlease Log In to post.
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