Just want to say that I am glad somebody stood up to those stupid f&^*&in morons in Europe and the ESRB.As an adult I am tired Big government! And tired of people trying to tell me what I can and cant play. I am an adult and can make decisions for myself!Those stupid censorship organizations can go to hell!
Just want to say that I am glad somebody stood up to those stupid f&^*&in morons in Europe and the ESRB.As an adult I am tired Big government! And tired of people trying to tell me what I can and cant play. I am an adult and can make decisions for myself!Those stupid censorship organizations can go to hell!skelly7483
Good for you!. I hope that made you feel better.
Now as soon as you know it's only for the PS2 (why this shoud'nt be here), you can illegally download it and illegally chip your PS2 to play it.
This is more suited as a blog entry, especially since it really has nothing to do with the Wii.
Also, your first sentence contains a censor bypass. We have an auto-censor in the forums, so just go ahead and type out your profanity and the censor will keep you within the limits of the rules.
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