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Hi,OMG...listen too me... I have a Dell. Laptop...internet everything was fine... - i have no upgraded to IE7...i did and reverted too old one because i like the old set up. -i also use McAfee, did the upgrade, went from the Red Box interface to a gray interface, if you can remember then my Internet stop working, it was firewall problem so i was on the phone with Dell for like an hour, they tried all sorts of things, and i came too the conclusion its i rebooted, restored... back to day 1 -hav not upgraded IE or the MCAFee to the latest version because i know the same crap will happen again if your usb was working fine before u upgrade and now it doesnt, its probably mcacfee, they have some firewall crap happening. hope it works out man, its a pain in the but
I have recently downloaded the latest McAfee Security Suite to help protect my computer.
But I am having trouble with it though, as it always blocks the USB Connector from accessing the internet.
I have followed all the advice on Nintendo's Trouble Shooting/FAQ section (apart from one, i'll come onto that later) and it still will not work.
The one I could not add to the Programme Permissions was 'SoftAPInstDrv.BIN' and that was because it was a .BIN file and McAfee would only let me add .exe files.
Has anyone else had this problem or know how to get around this and let me access the internet?
Thanks in advance.
I have the exact same McAfee program. HERES A SOLUTION:
Disable the McAfee Firewall(JUST THE FIREWALL)
Then, enable the Windows Firewall from the control panel.
It worked for me, still protected.
ALSO, if your annoyed by the bubble popping up every 4 seconds: Right-click on the task bar. Click Properties. Click the Customize Button. Set the registration tool to Always Hide.
I dont know ANYone who uses mcafee cause of all the crap u have to go through to break the restrictions on the stuff in ur computer that are actually virus free. maybe u should go get a wireless router or switch to Norton. I have norton and its really easy to use.deathxxsharkYeah, the firewall is hard to manage. Thats why thats the only thing I dont use, but the other features work great.
Trash McAfee and get Avira. Same protection, always works, and its free.cjm23
Trash the USB dongle and get the cheapest Wifi router you can find. ANY Wifi router is better than the USB dongle.cjm23
Vastly improved.
Wow I had the exact problem before and it took forever to fix, but i finally just got a router anyways. I remember when I called nintendo trying to figure out what to do you need to turn off certain ports in the security program. Don't turn the firewall off all together, that will just get your computer viruses. Try calling nintendo to find the certain ports in the program you need to turn off that'll still leave the firewall up.
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