[QUOTE="sonic_rusher"][QUOTE="Nintendoes"][QUOTE="sonic_rusher"][QUOTE="Nintendoes"][QUOTE="sonic_rusher"][QUOTE="Nintendoes"][QUOTE="sonic_rusher"][QUOTE="Nintendoes"][QUOTE="sonic_rusher"][QUOTE="Nintendoes"][QUOTE="sonic_rusher"][QUOTE="IRaiza"] This game looks awesome. Im satisfied that EA was the one to step up and give us an online FPS. Now thats awesome, 6 maps, no biggy. Well....
Personally, medal of honor multiplayer games always felt weird. I dont know, maybe because I played Metroid and Halo which caused me to feel this way. How? I dont know.
One thing, I will always rant about is the lack of thinking when it comes to lets all play together. Metroid 3, no online. That was a bad idea. There was really no reason to complain if they added it in, heck MP2 has great campaign and multiplayer. The maps kinda stunk but they were doing something new. Metroid could have been a great opportunity. But they skrew it over and say "no online, great campaign"
Im sick of that, even the fans who agree. Good games allow you to enjoy them for over 20 hours not quit after you beat it. Metroid prime 3 had awesome campaign, no doubt. But once you beat it, its over..
Yeah yell at me for saying multiplayer and metroid in one sentence. But for crying out loud, this could have been the best nintendo online FPS out there.
Well MP2 multiplayer sucked hard, thats part of the reason why they did not add it to MP3. Also abunch of diehard Metroid fans were complete idiots and raised holy hell about not hhaving multiplayer. i mean I understand whyt hey didnt but, if there was one game that everyone saw as a rival to Halo it was Metroid and when they excluded the multiplayer Metroid jumped out fot he race. Kinda of dissappointing.
I just want a kick ass FPS that is complete.
It wasn't even in the race to begin with. Metroid Prime, nor Metroid Prime 2 were First-person shooters. Anyone who compares the two series doesn't know a thing about video game genres.
Say what you like but MS and Nintendo fans alike considered them in a race. once again you dont listen. MANY people saw it that way. When they excluded multiplayer that rivalry ended.
I never said many people didn't see it that way. I'm saying that comparing the two games is like comparing Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zelda. Though they are similar in certain ways, they are in completely different genres and are targeted at different audiences. The games of the two series don't even play the same.
The original Metroid Prime didn't even have multiplayer, so that's another reason for there to be no rivalry in the first place.
Popular demand says otherwise. I never personally compared it. I just mentioned that it was dissapointing for alot of people. I always thought was cool that they were like rivals even if it was not from a genre oriented rivalry but their characters are so much alike. This is how it is dont argue with me about it argue with the hordes of people that started it.
Popular demand just wanted on-line multiplayer with a flagship series for the Nintendo Wii. It had nothing to do with comparing the two series.
OMG I was not the one who made up the rivalry between Metroid and Halo, it was the masses. Even if they dont match as with their game type they make great rivals as just characters. Also one of the main reasons retro excluded online or let alone any multiplayer was that die hard fools wanted to preserve the series and that ruined it for the rest of us.
I never said it was you who made up the rivalry. Retro excluded on-line multiplayer because of how awful Metroid Prime 2's was and that the series was meant to be a single-player experience, a claim backed up by Reggie himself. If they had put on-line multiplayer, it would have either detracted from the single-player experience or they would have had to delay the game even further.
Please stop using hearsay as statistics to your argument.
Im not using heresay as statistics, in fact thats heresay right there. Obviously MP2 had a bad multiplayer but that doesnt mean MP3 would have had a bad multiplayer. I know that was one fo Retro's reasonf or excluding a multiplayer and it was retarded on their part. The main reason though was diehard fanboys who wanted Metroid to stay the same and that is also retarded.
They could have easily made an awsome multiplayer. They also could have been the first to make a 32 player online game for Wii. I would rather have a delayed game than one that excludes awsome features like multiplayer. I know these are their reasons and from this point in time we can obviously see it was a mistake.
Yes, you are using hearsay. You aren't backing up any of your claims of the general consensus and are stating unconfirmed facts. Retro did not make a mistake. They considered the option of adding multiplayer and on-line, but they scrapped it and wanted to completely focus on the single-player. Metroid is a single-player game. There are plenty of first-person shooters out there that have single-player and multiplayer. Examples of such games include Medal of Honor and Halo, while Metroid Prime and Bioshock don't have multiplayer are were still great successes, all because they were completely focused on a single-player experience. If you want to buy a first-person shooter with on-line multiplayer for the Wii then buy Meadal of Honor Heroes 2 when it comes out, (which by the way doesn't really have a very fleshed out single-player and isn't trying to have the same single-player experience as Metroid Prime 3 has, meaning that the focus of the game on multiplayer has effected the quality and value of the single-player mode).
"...obviously see it was a mistake."
That's just your opinion and doesn't really matter because obviously the game was not directed towards a person with your interests. If you don't like the direction of the game then don't buy it, simple as that.
"They also could have been the first to make a 32 player online game for Wii."
Actually, since the game was never planned to have multiplayer in the beginning, it probably would have been pushed back into next year in which Medal of Honor Heroes 2 would have been released before then. The Metroid series has always been about a single-player experience focused on exploration. Metroid Prime 2 and Metroid Prime: Hunters broke that formula and their single-player suffered from it. Retro didn't want Metroid Prime 3 to suffer the same fate so they focused on what the Metroid series has always been about.
Wow this is kinda funny. How do i site folklore lol. Its people talking on the forums and people I talk to at school who say this stuff. Its not on a articl????? If you have not heard of this rivalry around here than you are oblivious to your surroundings.
Metroid Prime 3 could have had a multiplayer. They tried it on MP2 it sucked and yes it detracted from the campaign but it was still a great game. Then they tried it on MPH and that worked great, but yes the campaign was not so good. But dont you think we should ask more from some of the greatest devs out there (Retro Studios) who is also published and partially developed by Nintendo. Dont you think we could have asked more than this from them? There are games that have a good multiplayer and single player and an example is Halo CE.
Also i am gonna get MoH2 but the game is not fully fleshed out. It has a short campaign, no local play, and not alot of maps. You cant "oh teh mutiplayer did this" because you make it sound like as soon as they have a multiplayer they lose all quality else where. The games that are able to balance that out are called good games that get AAAs.
So it was a mistake because an accomplished dev like Retro could have done more. Yo can hide behind that crap people say "its an opnion" but its a well defended and a commonly agreed opnion.
BTW I have been playing Metroid games for a very long time so I know what it takes to make a good Metroid game. I am not a died hard fan that never wants the series to evolve. All I heard from fanboys was that they did not like the multiplayer. And yes it was an evolving process that maybe wasnt right the first time but that doesnt mean you just give it up. Games need change and while Metroid Prime 3 hadrevolutionized its controls it didnt do much to change some fo the formula to make it more unique, thats one of the reasons why GS didnt give it an AAA it did not chage the formula.
"If you have not heard of this rivalry around here than you are oblivious to your surroundings."
No, it's just that most people can figure out that the games are hardly similar and really aren't comparable and you happen to be around the people who think differently.
"But dont you think we should ask more from some of the greatest devs out there (Retro Studios) who is also published and partially developed by Nintendo. Dont you think we could have asked more than this from them?"
You could, but it wouldn't make any sense. They released the game because it was in their opinion, perfect.If you disagree with them, don't buy the game.
"Yo can hide behind that crap people say "its an opnion" but its a well defended and a commonly agreed opnion."
It's still just an opinion, which you seem unable to differentiate from fact. The majority of people who buy Metroid Prime 3 realize that the game and the series was always meant to be a single-player game. You may say it's commonly agreed upon but obviously Retro and the majority of people think differently.
"There are games that have a good multiplayer and single player and an example is Halo CE."
Yes, but Metroid Prime 3 has a better single-player than Halo, and that's what differentiates games and their focuses in the different aspects of a game.
I dont think you understand. People dont understand that it is different esp people who arent Nintendo fans. I know its hard for you to accept it but putting aside the fact that they are different games many people pair them up as rivals because of the charscters not the games. Can you try and understand at least this without repeating your self 50 times over.
Devs should think about their fans probabaly more so than their own reservations. Also its not just my opinion. These threads were flooded with topics about no online for MP3. Being that you seem completely oblivious of what goes on here I felt obliged to let you know. Yes I pretty much do disagree but I still thinkt he game is awsome. Just because I dont like something about a game doesnt mean I think the game sucks overall.
And now that your gonna hide behind opnions the same goes for you. You are one of those fanboys that didnt want the multiplayer and you got your wish and congratulations Nintendo's online plan still remains inert and yes its just an opnion for you too.
Yes it has a wayyy better single play than halo but think how much better ofgame Metroid would be if it had a multiplayer even close to Halo's. I can understand for a game like Zelda, i know that would be a problem to have a multiplayer. But Metroid Prime was an evolving series that was dancing over the lines of First person adventure and first person shooter. For the sake of advancing gameplay multiplayer would ahve been for the best. But whatever I know your just gonna repeat your self so have at it go ahead basicsally copy and paste what you said last time.
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